When Luo Yanxiao said this, his voice was hoarse. He stared nervously at Liu Ningning, locking her eyes, not missing the look on her eyes. Liu Ningning's eyes flickered and said nothing.

In fact, she felt from the beginning that Luo Yanxiao's parents might have a point of view.

If the parents of the wealthy family accept a girl from the country, are they repelled from their hearts?

If Luo Yanxiao said this to Liu Ningning on her mobile phone, Liu Ningning would be cranky.

But Luo Yanxiao was wearing so little at this time, and he drove over the night. His attitude was here, and Liu Ningning's heart calmed down a lot.

She believed Luo Yanxiao, Luo Yanxiao used his actions to show her attitude, she would not shrink back naturally.

In fact, if Liu Ningning is very serious about one thing, it is also a character of external softness and internal firmness.

At this time, Luo Yanxiao could do this, and her heart could be hardened and strong.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning without speaking, and said, "Ningning, you can rest assured, I will persevere, and I will explain to my parents. They haven't seen you yet, they don't understand you, they will understand later, They won't be like this, they will support us."

Liu Ningning nodded, "Well, I know, I will work hard."

She has to work hard to become more capable.

Looking at Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning knew that she could not relax, she would continue to study hard.

In fact, looking at Luo Yanxiao at this time, Liu Ningning felt that she was not cranky.

She also has the courage to stick with him.

In fact, at this time, both Liu and Liu did not sleep. When they had just packed up and were about to put the quilt, they heard the outside voice.

Mother Liu looked outside, "What's going on? Why did Ning Ning go out?"

Father Liu picked up the flashlight and said, "Let's go and see!"

Father Liu and Mother Liu put on their coats and saw Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning. They also saw the car not far away.

Although Father Liu and Mother Liu were shocked, they soon reacted.

At this time, Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning also saw Liu's father and Liu mother coming out.

"Aunt and uncle are good."

Mother Liu said: "Yan Xiaoxiao is coming? Ning Ning, what's the matter with your child, so ignorant, so cold outside, and bring people into the house, and it's warm and warm."

Liu Ningning happily took Luo Yanxiao's hand to return to the house.

Luo Yanxiao almost forgot the car. He recovered and hurried to the car to drive to the door of Liu Ningning's house. After stopping the car and locking the car, he followed Liu Ningning into the house.

Mother Liu looked at Luo Yanxiao and was satisfied.

No matter what the child's parents think, at least the child's attitude is very good, and he is very serious about Liu Ningning, which is not like a fake.

Mother Liu said happily: "Yan Xiao, haven't you eaten dinner yet? Auntie will make something for you."

"Auntie, I'm not hungry. You don't have to be busy. Really, so late, I still disturb you and trouble you. I'm really embarrassed."

"If you say something out of the ordinary, just leave it here."

Liu Mu hurried to the stove mouth and took the dumplings and frozen dumplings that she had made before to a plate and gave them to Luo Yanxiao.

Luo Yanxiao also likes to eat dumplings made from Liumu.

In fact, in the countryside, there is nothing delicious on weekdays. Naturally, good cooking skills are cultivated. Simple meals are used to make delicious food. You can also adjust the meal a little.

Luo Yanxiao sat on the kang, covered with a quilt, and felt the whole person warmed up.

Looking at the enthusiasm of this family, Luo Yanxiao felt deeply moved with emotion. He still likes such a warm family atmosphere.

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