Cha Qingluo's father nodded, "Know, know, the girl is older and you have to take care of your father."

Although saying this, Cha Qingluo's father was happy and smiled lovingly. He thought his daughter was fine.

Cha Qingluo said with a lip: "Dad, I tell you seriously, you are good, I still have relatives and fathers, you don't want me to be an orphan?"

"No, how can you be an orphan, no."

Cha Qingluo's father shook his head and picked up the bottle to drink.

"Dad, you are not in good health, you still drink."

"Okay, okay, don't drink, don't drink."

Cha Qingluo's father looked at Cha Qingluo with a relieved look in his eyes, and the girl really grew up.

He was a sensible girl since childhood.

She is always happy and happy, like a pistachio to bring joy to the people around her.

In fact, he knew that the child only hid sad things in her heart, she was filial.

"When you grow up, Dad is thinking about it now. If you find a good boyfriend in the future, he will treat you well and protect you, and Dad will be relieved."

"Dad, I'm only eighteen."

"Talking about your boyfriend, no matter how big you are, you can get married when you graduate from college."

"Dad, why are you saying this, I'm a freshman now!"

"Well, I remember you were so young when you were a kid, and you were all big ladies, and you were 18 years old!"

Cha Qingluo's father said with emotion, he also wanted to drink some wine, but the girl refused to drink, he would not drink it!

It's not easy to do his job in these years, and his body is injured.

However, on weekdays, he did not pay attention, should drink alcohol or drink alcohol, too much will hurt the body.

This child actually looks a bit like her mother, with a completely different personality.

Her mother is a selfish man who only cares about her own enjoyment.

He is good as a girl.

The father and daughter said a lot, and when they went home together, they suddenly encountered a group of people who came out with iron bars and knives.

"Cha Zhengjian, see where you are going this time!"

"Shout, this is the girl you hid, why, afraid that we will find and kill her?"

"Ha, I met them all today, let their father and daughter die together, and be a companion!"


Cha Qingluo listened to these words, his complexion changed, and then looked at these people, and at first glance, he was also a trainer.

These people are not ordinary people, but people who really fight and kill.

Cha Qingluo turned pale, "Dad, what's going on with these people?"

Cha Zhengjian's face was very bad. He blocked the tea and leaned back. "Dilute, listen to Dad's words. Dad shouted one, two, three, and you ran."

Cha Zhengjian knew that these people in the Tao were all fighting each other in the Tao and had hatred against their gangs.

These people arrested him this time to kill him.

The reason why he did not disband his gang was that he would not be able to protect his girl after the dissolution.

From the beginning of this line, it does not mean that you want to bleach.

Cha Qingluo shook his head, "Dad, how can I run, at this time I can't run."

"Why are you girl so disobedient."

Cha Zhengjian is anxious, he is nothing to die, his girlfriend can not die.

His daughter-in-law is still young, only eighteen years old, and cannot be struck by his father.

At first, the underworld was also for money. Although he didn't do anything bad, but since he was involved in underworld, how could it be dangerous on the road?

Cha Qinglao pulled his father's arm and looked at the dozens of people in front of him, saying, "Who are you?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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