Nan Jiateng stood quietly, almost motionless, his eyes fixed on the operating room door.

Nan Jiateng's eyes condensed with a storm, with a deep light, and his body was tight.

His subordinates also watched nearby, daring not to move.

They dare not even spy on the look of the young master.

But they knew that the tea pouring was cared by the young master, and it didn't seem to care.

Young Master has never done this for anyone before.

A little time passed, the young master was motionless.

As time went on, the two subordinates could not stand.

But Nan Jiateng remained motionless, and his body was still very cold.

If Cha Qingluo entered the operating room, Nan Jiateng wanted to take someone to commit suicide into the other party's nest, to avenge Cha Qingluo.

But now I have to wait for the tea to come out.

She didn't know what happened.

The blood in Nan Jiateng was boiling, and the murderousness in him was getting stronger and stronger, increasing without decreasing.

The entire corridor of the hospital was quiet and the air pressure was very low.

I don't know how long the door of the operating room opened.

Nan Jiateng had to move. When he had to move, he found that his whole body seemed to be numb and stiff.

Nan Jiateng couldn't move for a while, but his eyes were fixed on the doctor, and he said, "How is it?"

Although Nan Jiateng was only eighteen years old, the whole person was in a murderous atmosphere, and the attitude of a superior person made the doctor walk towards him involuntarily: "Mr. rest assured that he is out of danger."

The corners of the mouth of a certain two subordinates smoked. Their young master was only 18 years old, how could he be called Mr.

However, they secretly went to see the young man, and looked at the young man's eyes and look. They clearly looked so young and youthful, but they were overwhelming. It made people breathless. The doctor said this with a respectful tone.

Nan Jiateng nodded, indicating that he knew.

Although there was no expression on his face, only he knew that the heart he was carrying fell down.

The heart that just silenced seems to be beating.

Nan Jiateng's mood fluctuated so badly, but his face was quiet.

He is accustomed to introverted emotions, so that people can not see his mind.

After the doctor reported, she went on trembling, and Cha Qingluo and her father were placed in two intensive care units.

Although out of danger, Cha Qingluo and her father had a lot of knife wounds and serious injuries, and they needed further observation.

Nan Jiateng looked at the hospital and did not leave.

One of the two subordinates did not dare to leave at will. After all, the young master sent them to protect the tea girl, but they did not obey the order.

Nan Jiateng looked at both of them and said, "You go to the penalty."


They dare not have any complaints, and it's not bad that the young master didn't personally deal with them.

The tea girl was fine, and their young master was not really angry.

Before Nan Jiateng's father beat him like that at that time, he was worried about the safety of Cha Qingluo, and worried that his father would kill Cha Qingluo, so he sent someone to protect Cha Qingluo.

But I did not expect that Yang Qingyang saved the life of Cha Qingluo.

At this time, Nan Jiateng thanked his father in his heart.

If it weren’t for his father’s day, he wouldn’t think of sending someone to protect the tea.

Today, Cha Qingluo is fine, and his heart has settled down.

No one knows that his heart just stopped beating just now.

It was also at the time when tea dumplings were in danger that he realized how he felt about tea dumplings, which seemed to exceed his imagination.

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