Tea Qingluo sobbed: "My dad was stabbed a few times to protect me. His head was enlarged by an iron rod. His head was bleeding on the spot, so he still wanted to protect me. I have never seen Like my dad, I don’t have any relatives anymore. I’ll be a relative of my dad. I don’t want him to have an accident. At that time, I felt uncomfortable. If I didn’t take my dad out for dinner, we wouldn’t Encountered the assassination..."

Her father has been very busy these years. Although he is not busy with her in life, he always gives her so much pocket money to let her eat well.

Her dad said, let her suffer as a child. At that time, there was no money at home. Now that she has money, her dad wants her to eat more and play more.

Her father actually treated her very well. After the grandparents went, their father and daughter actually lived together.

She is also very sensible and does not want to worry her father.

But I did not expect to encounter such a siege.

So many people besieged, and the real killing, she was still scared from the bottom of her heart.

She is not afraid of anything else, she is afraid that her dad is gone and she has no relatives.

Cha Qingluo was about to cry, but he endured not crying, which made people feel even more distressed.

Nan Jiateng listened to Cha Qingluo's words and realized why she was crying.

He still remembers when he was a child, with his parents to avoid chasing and killing, and the days of wandering. He remembered that at that time, their mother and son were also hungry.

If there is food, her mother is always reluctant to let him eat.

When chased, her mother always protects him well.

Up to now, the mother's body is not very good, there are a lot of disease roots on her body, and there are scars on her body. It is cold and the mother sometimes has to be hospitalized.

It's just that he is a man, so he can't cry. All emotions must be hidden in the heart, so that people can't see his mind.

But Cha Qingluo is a girl, so girls should be more coquettish, and don't bear too much.

Nan Jiateng slowed his tone and said: "Cry if you want to cry, don't bear it."

Cha Qingluo shook his head, "I want to be strong and can't cry."

Cha Qingluo was even more lovely, and Nan Jiateng was more distressed.

Nan Jiateng put his hand on Cha Qingluo's hair and touched it gently, "Obviously, your father will be fine, and no one will kill you anymore."

Nan Jiateng issued a protection order, and the people on the Tao had to give the Nan family some face.

And the gangs that depend on the Nan family to survive will secretly protect Cha Qingluo and his father's gang.

So Nan Jiateng said it would be fine if it was fine.

In the entire Tao, the Heilong Party is the most powerful in controlling all international rights.

But the Black Dragon Party is mysterious and unresolved. It retired more than 20 years ago. Until now, no one knows where the headquarters of the Black Dragon Party is or what their heirs are.

The internal confidentiality measures of the Black Dragon Party are very good.

It can be said that as long as the Black Dragon Party is not touched, Nan Jiateng still has the confidence to protect Cha Qingluo and her father, as well as even the gang.

Perhaps Nan Jiateng and Cha Qingluo would not know at this time, they could even hook up with the Black Dragon Party later.

Of course, this is also because of the relationship between Zi Lingxi.

Huang Luoxiu is the heir of the Black Dragon Party and the young master of the Black Dragon Party. This is also something that no one knows after retiring.

Those who know the identity of the young master do not dare to disclose anything. Once they are known by the Black Dragon Party, they no longer need to live.

Therefore, the Black Dragon Party is also very strict under its rule, so it only listens to its name internationally, but no one knows where the Black Dragon Party is.

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