Nan Jiateng will naturally not allow the family's diehards to influence his decision all the time.

As long as his father can support him, he will do much easier.

He has all the materials of the stubborn factions of the Nan family.

He will use it when necessary.

Nanfu can hear the danger in Nanjiateng's words.

In fact, Nan Nan did not understand his son. He was so restrained, even his father could not understand him.

He still remembers this child. At a few years old, when their mother and son were taken back by him, the child would not cry, and the expression on his face was always faint.

At that time, he felt that the child was not what a child should be.

But this child is extremely talented in training and stands out among a group of trained people.

His ability and strength are far ahead of others, and his task is always perfect.

So when he was eighteen, he was positioned as heir to the family.

In fact, even those stubborns think that 18-year-old Nan Jiateng is in control!

From Nan Fu's point of view, his son is a man with a great idea in his heart, and others can't control it.

He can know a little of his son's emotions, or because Nan Jiateng talked about his girlfriend. Only when he has weaknesses can his mood change.

What kind of girl is that?

Nan father imagined a gang clan's eldest lady in his mind. With a cold face, he nodded.

Such a person is indeed suitable for being the mistress of the Nan family and has the courage.

Nanfu confessed his son a few words before hanging up.

After hanging up the phone, Nan Jiateng stood there for a while.

His father was quite talkative this time, giving him two days, and after two days he would return to his family.

He knew that if a protection order was issued, the diehards of the family would definitely question him.

If he does not give a reasonable explanation, he will be subject to family law.

He is not afraid of family law. The key is to protect the tea.

Nan Jiateng stood for a while before re-entering the ward.

At this time, Cha Qingluo was also very quiet. She lay quietly, and she didn't seem too energetic.

But as soon as she heard footsteps, she quickly looked up and saw that Nan Jiateng, Cha Qingluo's eyes lit up.

Cha Qingluo's bright eyes seemed to light up Nan Jiateng's heart at once.

Make Nan Jiateng's heart softer.

When Cha Qingluo struggled to get up, Nan Jiateng took a few steps and came to the bed to hold Cha Qingluo's body. "It's still not honest, let you lie down."

"I'm in a hurry when you are not there."

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng seriously and looked at his look, she couldn't see it, what emotion he was.

There was a phone call just now, and I didn't know who was calling, Nan Jiateng's face would be so serious.

Cha Qingluo's eyes are very bright, her expression is also very rich, she will show what she thinks on the face.

So Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's eyes and look and knew what she was thinking.

Knowing her doubts, Nan Jiateng explained voluntarily: "It was the call from my father."

Cha Qingluo opened his mouth, "Your father's phone call? Is there anything he wants you from your father? You just looked so bad."

"It's okay, don't worry, it's the family business. After all, the big family is a little complicated."

Following Nan Jiateng's explanation, Cha Qingluo nodded, "Then, are you going back to the family?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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