The ointment made by Bai Qingmei with special medicinal materials is very effective.

Nan Jiateng looked deeply at the man in front of him and could not see his face clearly, but he could know the mystery of the man in front of him just by his eyes.

Although it was the team he invited, he did not know the identity of the person in front of him.

He seems to be very mysterious, and I heard that someone who wants to check his identity can't find it.

Nan Jiateng also knows that those who shouldn't be curious can't be curious.

After a few words of greeting, Bai Qingmei left the hospital with his team.

After Nan Jiateng returned to the ward, he was going to apply the ointment to the tea pouring dip.

Cha Qingluo is still in a state of doubt and curiosity, "Who is that leader? I think many nurses are talking about him, as if his eyes can shine, peach blossom eyes are very charming."

Cha Qingluo was purely curious and appreciated, she had no other meaning.

Because her brain was short-circuited, she didn't realize that Nan Jiateng would be jealous when saying such a sentence.

Nan Jiateng looked deeply at Cha Qingluo.

Nan Jiateng's heart was burning with a strong flame at this time, and he seemed to want to swallow the tea.

Cha Qingluo asked Nan Jiateng suspiciously, didn't hear his answer, turned his head and found that Nan Jiateng's eyes were deep.

Cha Qingluo shrunk her neck and threw her tongue out. She thought that what she just said was really not spoken by the brain!

Cha Qingluo reached out to grab Nan Jiateng's hand, but Nan Jiateng didn't move.

Cha Qingluo whispered: "I'm just curious to ask, I think he is still not as handsome as you. When the freshman started school, you hosted on the stage, and I couldn't do it. I felt my heart beating... …"

In this case, Cha Qingluo has never said before.

Although she was whispering at this time, Nan Jiateng heard clearly.

Nan Jiateng never knew this, and he couldn't help thinking that when this new student started school, he served as the president of the Student Union, and they were their seniors, presided over the stage.

He didn't expect to be obsessed with Qingluo.

Nan Jiateng's face improved a lot when he heard these words.

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, but he held his expression and said: "After that party, you will not see you."

"Huh, at that time you played an ensemble with Yang Manqin and Qin Xiao. I saw jealousy in my heart."

Hearing this sentence, Nan Jiateng was a little stunned. It turned out to be the reason. No wonder she met her in the supermarket that night, but she ran away.

This girl had such a thought.

Nan Jiateng's eyes softened. He sat down by the bed and reached out to hold Cha Qingluo's hand: "I treat Yang Manqin as my sister."

"I know, you told me, but I was jealous at that time."

Nan Jiateng sighed: "At that time, I was bad and ignored your emotions."

"Oh, it's all over. In short, you shouldn't be angry with what I just said."

"Okay, get angry."

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still jealous because I care.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's cute face and gently touched her hair. "I just fell asleep and got energetic."

"Well, I drank water and ate, I slept, and now I have energy. If the injury gets better soon, I can be discharged early."

Nan Jiateng looked deeply at Cha Qingluo, then looked at the ointment, and said to the tea: "Good boy, you lie down, I will apply the medicine to you."

"Apply medicine?"

Cha Qingluo blinked his eyes, and he couldn't recover.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's confused look, and simply reached out to unbutton her clothes.

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