For Nan Jiateng, Cha Qingluo is what he insists on.

He wanted to protect the tea pouring, this matter, he did not think he was wrong.

It's just that his father's position is different from him, so he may not necessarily understand him.

But at this time, Nan Jiateng also thought of the complicated situation inside the Nan family. A cold light flashed in his eyes, with a dangerous light, "Father, don't break, the family should be reorganized."

Nan Jiateng also knew that before he returned, the diehards in the family must have come to embarrass his father.

Otherwise my father would not be so angry.

He is also respectful to his father.

But he was also afraid.

His father was cruel and severe to him, but if he was external, his father would also defend him, and he believed it.

He understands his father, he feels his father has his father's insistence.

But he also has his persistence.

From childhood to age, he rarely said that there was something he had to insist on.

He was the heir because he wanted to protect his mother.

Now the only thing he wants to stick to is to protect the tea pouring.

If someone in the family wants to block it, then he wants to move the people in the family. He wants to clean up those people. The Nan family should do the calculations by himself. In this case, no one questions what he decides.

In fact, no one knows that Nan Jiateng is planning for the future, he is planning to marry Cha Qingluo.

He wants Cha Qingluo to be the young lady of the Nan family.

Of course, Cha Qingluo's identity is not enough, so he is the dictator of the Nan family, so that what he says is nothing, and no one can interfere with his decision.

In such a heart, Nan Jiateng would not tell his father.

He simply expressed his thoughts.

Nan father was shocked when he heard this from his son.

He stood at the table and thought he had heard it wrong.

His son even said something like this, and he had such an idea that he wanted to rectify the whole family?

Not even he dared to say such things. This child is only 18 years old. Has the 18-year-old had such thoughts and courage?

Nan father's eyes widened in shock and opened his mouth, not knowing how to react.

He stared closely at Nan Jiateng, sure he was right.

Nan Jiateng said nothing, he knew that his father needed to digest the news.

For a long time, Nan's father reacted, but the blood in his whole body was boiling. He really wanted to rectify the whole Nan's family, but he only suppressed this idea in his heart, and he dared not take action.

Because the diehards of the family, everyone has a part of the power in their hands. If they add up, they can’t be underestimated, and everyone has contact with the gangs outside, and they have power in their hands. whole body.

He used to worry too much and dared not put it into action.

Now his son had this idea and ignited the blood on his body at once.

He was a little excited, and he hoped that the entire Nan family would have their say, so that he could protect his wife and his son.

He would not be angry with his son because of the protection order.

Nan Father's face was slightly embarrassed. He was not a good father. If he was really capable, he would not force his son to behave like that.

Nan Father sternly said: "Are you serious?"

Nan Jiateng also knew that his father had a hard time believing what he said, and he said lightly: "Father, I don't tell lies."

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