In fact, Zi Lingxi's heart is fragile, especially when she guesses Huang Luoxiu's identity background, she is also stressed.

In front of Huang Luoxiu, she was also somewhat unconfident.

So sometimes, she will be careless, and sometimes she will be careful.

She always feels that she is not good enough.

She actually looked up to Huang Luoxiu.

Huang Luoxiu is a man. His heart is not as thin as a girl's.

So sometimes he will not understand and will feel incredible.

But he has a strong emotional control, he will control his emotions well, he will learn to understand Zi Lingxi's thoughts and emotions.

Although he is not good at speaking sweet words, he will also appease Zi Lingxi's emotions properly.

In fact, Zi Lingxi is just like a little girl, she needs comfort.

When she drilled the horns, Huang Luoxiu's words would make her feel better.

At this time, Zi Lingxi listened to what Huang Luoxiu had just said, and those negative emotions dispersed at once.

She gently shook Huang Luoxiu's arm with a slight coquettish tone: "Brother, I was just not good, I shouldn't think that way."

Huang Luoxiu reached out and gently scraped Zi Lingxi's nose. "I know it's wrong to think that way. Don't think that way next time. You know? My girl is so cute and beautiful. Don't be pretentious."

Zi Lingxi smiled and nodded, "Well, I know."

Huang Luoxiu frowned and asked, "How did you just think that?"

Zi Lingxi grunted and said, "Didn't your brother just laugh?"

"I was thinking about you last night, so cute, so I couldn't help laughing, what is your girl thinking about!"

Huang Luoxiu was a little helpless. He didn't know how Zi Lingxi's brain was constructed, and he was thinking about something. In fact, he didn't understand the girl's thinking at all, nor the girl's way of thinking.

Hearing this sentence, Zi Lingxi realized that she was really cranky, she couldn't help but smile, "Brother don't be angry, I care about my brother, so a little change in his brother's emotions has an impact on me , My brother can affect all my emotions."

Zi Lingxi soothed Huang Luoxiu's emotions in one sentence.

He sighed, shook his head, and touched Zi Lingxi's hair. "It's really impossible to get you."

Zi Lingxi put out his tongue.

Huang Luoxiu looked at the time and said: "Don't stand here anymore. We will take a car back to the house for a while and take a break for lunch. Later, after lunch, you will be hungry again."

Huang Luoxiu knows that this girl is very edible.

But it is also strange, how can this girl eat so much and not fat!

He still wanted her to eat more and grow more meat, so that it would look healthier.

Zi Lingxi reacted and quickly followed Huang Luoxiu's pace, "Austria, Austria, then we'll hurry."

Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi's hand and took her out of the airport. After getting in the car, the two went to the residence.

More than half an hour later, the two stopped at a villa.

"here is?"

"This is a property bought by my parents. They don't have to come once a year. We live here for a few days."

Zi Lingxi looked at the unique villa in front of her, and was stunned. "How many properties do you have?"

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi in surprise and sighed, but he didn't know how many.

Which place is better, his parents may just buy it directly, and live in his own house to be more comfortable.

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