Zi Lingxi reached out to take Huang Luoxiu's cup.

Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi's hand and put the water cup on the coffee table. "The water is still hot, I will drink it later."


"Like this villa?"

"I just like the feeling of home. This is our own real estate. It is natural to live comfortably."

Listening to our words, Huang Luoxiu was very satisfied, which shows that Zi Lingxi regarded her as his family.

This feeling made Huang Luoxiu's heart very comfortable.

Listening to these words by Zi Lingxi, Huang Luoxiu could understand her feelings.

It turned out that Zi Lingxi liked the feeling that it would be better to take her to stay in the hotel or stay in her own villa.

Huang Luoxiu speculated about Zi Lingxi's thoughts and asked: "Whether to eat at home at noon, or to eat out? If we eat at home, we will buy food and sit at home."

Zi Lingxi shook his head, "Let's go eat outside, but haven't tasted food from country M."

In fact, Zi Lingxi did not want Huang Luoxiu to be tired.

When cooking, Huang Luoxiu certainly couldn't bear to make her tired, and he would be tired when he was busy cooking.

And they just got off the plane, she wanted him to rest.

"Okay, let's eat outside."

With that said, Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi a little tired, "Do you want a rest at noon?"

In fact, if you take a car, you will be tired after a long time. This morning, this girl is in a state of excitement. If you are highly nervous, you will be easily tired.

Zi Lingxi thought for a while and said, "Brother, shall we order takeaway?"

"Yes, we will take a look at takeout, eat at home, and rest at home in the afternoon."

Listening to this sentence, Zi Lingxi felt the whole person relaxed.

After sitting in the car for so long, she still wanted to take a rest, or sleep for a while, or not tired.

In this afternoon, there is nothing to do. You can rest in the villa. Thinking about it, Zi Lingxi has relaxed both physically and mentally, and feels no need to be nervous.

At noon, Huang Luoxiu and Zi Lingxi consulted and ordered takeaway.

After eating lunch, it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Zi Lingxi was a little tired. Huang Luoxiu let her go to the bedroom to sleep.

Lying on the large bed and looking at the scenery outside the villa, Zi Lingxi let out a long sigh of relief.

She rolled a few times on the bed, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Huang Luoxiu was not sleepy, so he watched TV on the living room sofa.

When Zi Lingxi woke up, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

After she got up, she went directly downstairs to find Huang Luoxiu.

As soon as she went downstairs, she heard a female voice in the living room, which was small and soft.

Zi Lingxi's face changed, and her heart jumped.

Her feet all stepped on the steps, almost hung in the air, and fell off at once.

Zi Lingxi's face was all white, her heart was beating fast.

Her eyes were sour.

She breathed hard, and then walked down a few steps to see a woman on the sofa in the living room, wearing casual clothes and pants, with wavy black curly hair. From the back view, it was really beautiful.

Zi Lingxi's heart is sour.

The sound of her head buzzed and she forgot to think, or at this time, she could not think.

She didn't even know whether to go to the living room.

Perhaps just a little bit of voice, Huang Luoxiu looked up and saw Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi pursed her lips, feeling aggrieved, and wanted to turn back to the bedroom.

But her reason is still there, and she strives to remain calm.

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