Somehow, Huang Luoxiu was a little worried about Shui Xuan'er.

Shui Xuan'er's character really worried him.

She is the kind of introverted personality, that is, no grievances will be said, she will only hold her heart.

This character really makes Huang Luoxiu a little worried.

If Shangguan Shaoheng is really good for Shui Xuan'er, if it is only Shui Xuan'er's own meaning, Huang Luoxiu's heart is raised.

However, Shui Xuan'er's identity is here, and the protection of these people sits in town. The Shangguan Shaoheng will not bully Shui Xuan'er.

Even if he didn't understand at the beginning, after a long time, he would know Shui Xuan'er is good.

Huang Luoxiu is still confident about this. This younger sister knows what he looks like when he grows up, his character and behavior.

I am also very confident in her.

But to his surprise, Shui Xuan'er would choose Shangguan Shaoheng.

He has never seen the heir of the Shangguan family, but he has also heard that he is a genius and has a beautiful appearance, as if he did not belong to this era.

Even Huang Luoxiu had to admit that the person was indeed very famous and capable, and his appearance was also called the first beautiful man in country M. No wonder Shui Xuan'er would be tempted. Yes, tempted, Huang Luoxiu felt that Shui Xuan'er was tempted.

Otherwise, her low-key personality would not take the initiative to tell Aunt Shui that she would like what she wants.

As the heir to the Shangguan family, Shangguan Shaoheng is also compatible with Shui Xuan'er.

The marriage between the royal family and the Shangguan family is also normal.

Shui Xuan'er didn't know that Huang Luoxiu had guessed so much. She heard Huang Luoxiu's brother's question and explained: "I just saw him at the national banquet and some banquets. But there is little conversation, he may not be very impressed with me!"

In front of her brother and sister, she is not that dazzling person.

Zi Lingxi said: "Princess, you are so beautiful, the person who sees you will definitely be very impressed."

Hearing Zi Lingxi say this, Shui Xuan'er felt affirmed, and the whole person had a feeling that he could not speak, as if he was a lot more confident.

In fact, she has heard a lot of praise, but most of those people's praises are complimented, and she is not careful.

But she knew that Zi Lingxi really said that, and she could see clearly with her eyes.

Although Shui Xuan'er is a princess, she is also a normal person and will have some of her personal emotions. In the eyes of others, she may be very beautiful or a princess, and she should be very confident.

But she is not so confident in her heart, after all, there is also a dazzling sister and a dazzling brother.

She also has low self-esteem.

So I was affirmed that the inner strength was still great.

She smiled hard at Zi Lingxi, "Lingxi, thank you, just say, just call me Xuan'er."

In fact, Shui Xuan'er didn't know the history of Zi Lingxi before.

It turned out that she was adopted by her brother.

But no matter what, Brother Luo Xiu's affection for Zi Lingxi is true, and it can be seen through his eyes.

Her father is very affectionate to her mother. Her father's eyes are full of mothers, and she and her brother and sister can see it clearly.

In fact, she looked at the interaction between Zi Lingxi and Brother Luo Xiu, and she was envious.

Zi Lingxi said: "Xuan'er, I think you have to bravely rush forward, I was particularly brave to chase my brother."

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