Nowadays, Liu Ningning is a lot more confident and can talk at the school conference.

In the face of everyone's questions, she can answer all questions.

She is most grateful to herself. She would like to thank her for reading so many books and never wasting time.

These books, these knowledge, may not be useful at the time, but will one day be useful.

Indeed, many times on weekdays, whether it is talking or doing things, it is the books that make her understand more.

Because she has been a part-time translator for a long time, her translation skills are very good.

She can talk to people in various languages.

It is also because he has learned so much and mastered so many abilities that Liu Ningning becomes more and more confident, with a confident light on his face.

When Liu Ningning was in his junior year, when the school commended the convention, Luo Yanxiao called his parents on purpose in order to let them see Liu Ningning.

At the conference, Liu Ningning was so intellectually elegant and radiant with every move.

In that way, she makes people think that the noble woman cultivated by which family.

No one could think that such a girl was actually born in the country.

Through her own efforts, she made her better and made her become more eye-catching.

When she first went to college, Liu Ningning was still an ugly duckling, and now she has become a white swan.

Luo Yanxiao witnessed the transformation of Liu Ningning, and he was proud in his heart.

He looked at Liu Ningning under the table, proud and excited, this is his girlfriend.

He wished he could tell everyone that this was his girlfriend.

When Liu Ningning looked down the stage, he could see the bright light in Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

In fact, Liu Ningning was somewhat emotional and could not believe it. She used to look up at him from under the stage. She remembered that when she was in her freshman year, she watched him sing on the stage and watched him so dazzling. She Inferiority complex in my heart.

Now she can stand proudly and confidently on the table, or she can make Luo Yanxiao proud of having a girlfriend like her.

This feeling is very good, so that her heart is full.

All these transformations also made Liu Ningning understand more clearly that she still needs to work harder, she can't relax, she also needs to work harder to study hard and study hard.

There are introductions about Liu Ningning and pictures of Liu Ningning on the school bulletin board.

Even the homepage of the school's official website contains Liu Ningning's promotional photos.

Liu Ningning is really a celebrity in the school.

She is not the kind of woman who is amazing at first glance, she is the kind of girl with such temperament.

It is a girl who looks comfortable.

When you look closely, it will be amazing, there will be a feeling of touching people.

Liu Ningning glanced at the freshman reports.

Time passes quickly, but it's good not to lose time.

She feels that college life is very fulfilling. She doesn’t waste every day. She reads a lot of books and learns a lot.

Now under her influence, her brothers and sisters are also studying hard, and the test results are very good.

There is no library in her hometown. Liu Ningning paid for the books on her own. She would buy the books that she thought would be beneficial to her brothers and sisters. When she returned home, she would show them.

Or she will borrow books from the library for two weeks and show them to her siblings.

Go home in two weeks and bring it back.

Once when she went home, many people didn't recognize her.

Later, the mother told her that many relatives also praised her in front of her, and envied her mother.

Liu Ningning can only say that books and knowledge gave her beauty and confidence.

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