Shui Qianqin's eldest daughter Shui Jin'er turned around to look around, but did not see her sister.

Shui Jin'er also cares about this younger sister, but this younger sister always likes to be alone, too quiet, too low-key, always makes her ignore her presence, she did not get through the phone, "Mother Empress, I'm going to find my sister."

Shui Qianqin shook her head and said: "Your sister may go back first, just ask the people around her to know."

For this little daughter, Shui Qianqian also knows a little bit. After all, she is her own daughter, and she knows what kind of character she is.

Shui Qianqian sighed at the thought of her little daughter.

The child was born in the royal family, but it always made her feel that the child seemed not suitable for living in the royal family.

So when she offered to marry the Shangguan family, she agreed.

Shangguan Shaoheng's child is indeed very good and will not be wronged by Shui Xuan'er.


In fact, Shui Xuan'er was easily overlooked under the aura of her sister and brother from an early age. She has been ignored so many times that she is used to it and will not fight for it.

After all, the mother empress and her father, as well as her sister and brother, are very kind to her.

However, she has such a personality and is not a competitive person, so many people may ignore her.

She just felt a little tired, and she wanted to find a place to catch her breath.

She wants to go back to country m.

In fact, she also wanted to go to Shangguan Shaoheng, thinking, even if she could talk.

After returning to country M, she did not go directly back to the palace or her mansion.

She did not let her subordinates follow, she wanted to walk on the street, walking, she unconsciously walked to a building.

The building is splendidly lit, with a fountain in front and beautiful scenery, with the Hengyao Building written on it.

Shui Xuan'er whispered these four words lightly, she knew that it was so late, maybe Shangguan Shaoheng was still in this building.

The wind blew gently, the spring wind, with a little coolness at night.

Shui Xuan'er's hair was scattered by the wind.

I don't know if the wind is blowing, making her want to do something impulsively, or because of something else.

She picked up her phone, directly pressed a few keys, and entered Shangguan Shaoheng's phone number.

Although she didn't call Guan Shaoheng's cell phone very often, she remembered his cell phone number.

So without thinking, Shui Xuan'er entered the number.

Without hesitation this time, she dialed the button.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up, "Hello, who?"

Hearing Shangguan Shaoheng's voice, Shui Xuan'er's heart missed a beat. His voice was very low-alcohol and very magnetic, like a distant Guqin, and the sound alone can touch the heart.

But his words poured down like cold water.

She called him several times, but he didn't seem to save her number or remember her.

Shui Xuan'er's lips pursed and hesitated, not knowing how to speak, even if her heart was stuck with the needle, she still wanted to talk to him, even having a meal together at night.

And she was downstairs in his company.

"I... I am Shui Xuan'er!"

There seemed to be a silence over there before the voice came, "His Royal Highness, what's the matter?"

"I...I want to ask you if you have time tonight? I..."

Before Shui Xuan'er finished speaking, there was a voice over there, "Sorry, princess, I still have something to do in my hand."

"Um, sorry, bother."

After talking, the phone seemed to hang up. At this moment, Shui Xuan'er saw a car driving into the building and stopped at the door of the building. It seemed to be Shangguan Shaoheng's car.

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