On the day of the ceremony, many relatives and friends have also arrived. Shui Xuan'er has always smiled and maintained an elegant posture.

She is very beautiful on this day.

Many people have a stunning feeling when they see this low-key little princess.

It turned out that the royal princess was so beautiful.

Even the reporter's media couldn't help taking photos towards Shui Xuan'er.

Because Shui Xuan'er is the protagonist on this day, she can't hide herself, she can't keep a low profile, and her beauty and light are thus displayed in front of everyone.

Shangguan Shaoheng wore a white suit, which set off him even more peerless, distinguished and elegant.

Like the ink paintings of distant mountains, he is like the lotus of the snowy mountains.

He seemed as if he did not belong to this era, so he was as quiet as a man from ancient times.

At this time, Shui Xuan'er couldn't help thinking, not knowing what Shangguan Shaoheng was wearing in costume.

Just looking at Shangguan Shaoheng, Shui Xuan'er had a feeling of trance. When she was close to him, she could smell the graceful air like a lotus on him, clean and good smell.

Her heartbeat didn't seem to belong to her.

Even if she tried to restrain herself, her heartbeat was still out of control.

He has a pair of delicate and thin enchanted phoenix eyes, with a little charm, but his eyes are cold.

When he looked at her, Feng's eyes were calm and cold, making Shui Xuan'er feel like the cold wind of winter.

The smile on Shui Xuan'er's face stiffened, but she remained calm and elegant.

She thought that she would be free soon.

So how Shangguan Shaoheng wants to go and see her is not that important.

She didn't want to always wear the princess's aura, and she didn't want to stay in the palace all the time.

Now that she has entered the Shangguan family, there will be no news media to continue shooting her to follow her.

It is customary in the country that if the princess does not succeed to the throne, once married, it will not be a public figure and cannot be stared at by media news all day long.

Princess and prince are different.

So Shui Xuan'er smiled gracefully from beginning to end.

Although Shangguan Shaoheng was shocked when he saw Shui Xuan'er at the beginning of today, but he thought about this woman's thoughts and thoughts, and his face was very bad.

Perhaps from the beginning, Shangguan Shaoheng tagged Shui Xuan'er.

After the ceremony, Shui Xuan'er followed Shangguan Shaoheng to the new mansion.

This is the dwelling of the two of them, and Shui Xuan'er will be free here, and she can go where she wants.

Shangguan Shaoheng naturally didn't know Shui Xuan'er's thoughts, only thought she used his identity to marry him.

But Shangguan Shaoheng had to admit that Shui Xuan'er is beautiful.

So many artists in his company don't have the temperament like Shui Xuan'er, as if they are temperaments emanating from the soul.

Shangguan Shaoheng couldn't tell what it was like.

Or maybe he did not give him the patience to investigate and observe.

After returning to the mansion and back to the room, Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er sitting there and said, "Shui Xuan'er, now you are the young lady of the Shangguan family, I will give you everything the young lady of the Shangguan family should have. Treatment, but in my private life, I don’t want others to interfere."

Hearing this sentence, Shui Xuan'er still had the needle stuck in her heart. She understood the meaning hidden in Shangguan Shaoheng's sentence. She nodded calmly, "Well, I know."

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