Shui Xuan'er has a feeling of trance. She doesn't know if this is a dream or a reality.

Too trance is too real.

Shangguan Shaoheng in ancient costume has a unique temperament, as if not eating fireworks on earth, as elegant as a lotus.

He stood there quietly, picturesque and dreamlike.

The wind blew gently, and his long black hair fluttered with the wind.

Shui Xuan'er seemed to be bewitched and approached him involuntarily.

Just when Shui Xuan'er approached and touched his clothes, she woke up at once.

Shui Xuan'er woke up and sat up, breathing heavily.

She covered her heart and took a breath for a while.

She thumped her head and didn't understand how she could have such a strange dream.

How could there be a woman to be a prince in ancient times!

Shui Xuan'er shook his head and smiled.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her face changed.

She remembers that roommates love to read online novels on weekdays. They have various styles of novels, and there are world novels of men and women.

It is the kind of time and space where overhead does not belong to history. There is a world. There are fewer women and more men in the world. Men are still very noble, but women are more precious, so at home, women are spoiled and guarded by their husbands. But the woman is the head of the family.

It is women who rely on their personal abilities to attract outstanding men.

Shui Xuan'er thought of this, and she quickly got up to read the novel and search, but she felt a little weird.

She thought that she must have met Shangguan Shaoheng today, and only dreamed of strange thoughts.

Shui Xuan'er went to the bathroom to take another bath before lying down again.

She was going to sleep, but she couldn't sleep anymore.

I was in a trance in my mind.

She didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep again.

When he woke up the next morning, after washing, Shui Xuan'er didn't see Shangguan Shaoheng.

In fact, Shui Xuan'er is a person, and she can't be indifferent to Shangguan Shaoheng's attitude. There is still a sense of loss in her heart, and her heart seems to be pierced by a needle.

She wanted to turn on the TV to see the news, but found that the news was about Shangguan Shaoheng. Some media caught Shangguan Shaoheng leaving the mansion in the middle of the night and went to another villa.

Even the news on the Internet.

Seeing such news, Shui Xuan'er's face changed.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the royal family, there is still news of one kind or another.

Unless she doesn’t go online or read the news, she always knows this.

She didn't know why Shangguan Shaoheng wanted to go to that villa.

Is it because of Liu Qiaopi?

Guessing like this, Shui Xuan'er's eyes were sore, and the TV was turned off, and the phone was turned off.

She didn't eat much for breakfast.

After having breakfast, she stayed in the room.

She was thinking whether she would go back to school.

Because she and Shangguan Shaoheng wanted to hold a ceremony, she also took a long vacation with the school.

She actually wants to go back to school, but if you go back to school now, everyone will guess at will.

Shui Xuan'er thought for a long time and muttered to himself: "Shangguan Shaoheng, what attitude should I treat you with?"

She is his wife, the young lady of the Shangguan family, but she feels that she is really like a decoration.

Shui Xuan'er was quiet for a few days, but she found that Shangguan Shaoheng was busy with family affairs or entertainment companies, and did not return to the mansion. He didn't seem to care about media news. .

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