Shangguan Shaoheng actually had a strange feeling when he faced Shui Xuan'er himself, a strange sense of deja vu.

He hadn't paid attention to Shui Xuan'er before, so he didn't know her.

But I don't know what happened recently. He always dreams strangely, and he wakes up and forgets.

When he was dealing with family and company affairs during this time, he was always distracted and had a feeling of trance.

Even when Liu Qiaoli stood in front of him, he would be distracted.

Strangely, Shui Xuan'er would appear in front of him.

He thought he was just too tired, and he took a rest for a while, but he found that he still felt strange when he saw Shui Xuan'er again.

It was a feeling of deja vu, and the heart seemed to beat like his own.

There seemed to be a voice clamoring in his mind, making him better for Shui Xuan'er and making him better for his wife.

A voice in his mind kept reminding him that this was his wife, and he wanted to treat her well and be good at heart.

When he realized the voice in his mind, Shangguan Shaoheng felt incredible.

He was obviously not familiar with Shui Xuan'er, and obviously neither of them had seen them a few times. Why did he feel this way?

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er, his eyes were deep and deep, and his eyes were gleaming in a dark and faint light, as if there was still extreme danger.

He seemed to see through Shui Xuan'er's appearance.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't believe that he was a stranger, and he didn't believe that he would have any thoughts and thoughts on Shui Xuan'er.

Shui Xuan'er is beautiful, but she is too quiet. Like a porcelain doll, he does not believe that he will suddenly be tempted by this woman.

He clearly cares about Liu Qiaoli, not Shui Xuan'er at all.

Even if she is a princess, she can't control his heart.

Shangguan Shaoheng stared at Shui Xuan'er in this way, wishing he could poke a hole in Shui Xuan'er, and could see what she was thinking in her heart.

Shui Xuan'er had a feeling of being swallowed by Shang Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes.

The eyes of Shangguan Shaoheng were terrible, and Shui Xuan'er's heart jumped.

He seemed to kill.

This kind of eyes were cold and biting, as if quenching the ice, Shui Xuan'er seemed to remember something, and she looked in a trance.

Why is looking at such Shangguan Shaoheng, there is a strange feeling, as if in a dream, seeing Shangguan Shaoheng in costume, he also looked at her in costume with such eyes.

Really strange feeling.

Why did she have a tingling sensation in her heart, as if she could not breathe.

"You... why are you looking at me like this?"

She didn't do anything. During this time, she also stayed quietly in the palace. She hadn't been out, and Shangguan Shaoheng couldn't pick her out.

Shangguan Shaoheng stepped forward and grasped Shui Xuan'er's wrist.

He wanted to hold it hard, but the moment he held Shui Xuan'er's wrist, Shangguan Shaoheng had a feeling of electric shock, and his heartbeat seemed to be not his own.

The intensity of his hands was also released voluntarily, and it seemed that many feelings and behaviors were uncontrolled.

"Shui Xuan'er, what did you do to me?"

The only reason Shangguan Shaoheng could think of was that he was bewitched by Shui Xuan'er.

He carefully looked at Shui Xuan'er's expression, her eyes, and the light under her eyes, wondering if she was confusing.

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