Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 6153: It's different for young lady

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at it for a while, and sighed in a deep and sad heart.

Shangguan Shaoheng kept watching the plane until the plane took off and rose into the sky...

Until the plane disappeared in the sky without a shadow, he was still watching.

No one knows what Master Shangguan is thinking at this time.

Even the bodyguards around him felt that the young master was doing something strange these days, as if he had changed completely.

Of course, dealing with family affairs on weekdays is the same as dealing with company affairs, but only on princesses, no, that is, the young lady is different.

Before, the young master didn't even care about the young lady, but now the young master hates to know what the young lady is doing all the time.

The young master seemed to have a feeling that he could not bind the young lady to her side.

Of course, this is only their guess, but no one knows what the master is thinking.

But everyone seems to be able to see that the young master seems to care about the young lady, and suddenly cares about it.

It really makes everyone feel incredible.

In the past, Miss Liu often appeared next to the young master. Everyone thought that Miss Liu was the gossip girlfriend of the young master. The young master did not seem to deny it. He also used the resources of the group to hold Miss Liu. It seemed to treat Miss Liu very well. He won the international movie star.

But the young master did not have any ambiguous behavior with Miss Liu.

For example, kissing, holding hands, such news, even if the reporters catch the wind and catch the shadows, even if the reporters stare all day, they will find nothing.

Later, the young master still obeyed the arrangement of the family, followed the arrangement of the old owner and married the royal family.

But although the marriage was held for the ceremony, the young master did not seem to take it seriously, and the young master seemed to forget that there was a young lady in the house.

But since the young master went back that day, the whole person seemed to have changed, and he paid great attention to the young lady.

The doctors all said that the young master had been holding the young lady's hand and shouting the young lady's name.

In this regard, everyone believes.

Because the young man is serious about feelings, everyone sees it.

The young master suddenly seemed serious to the young lady.

And not only is it serious, the emotions seem to be strong all at once.

Just as the young master looked at the young lady, everyone with a clear eye can see that the young master has a strong possessive desire for the young lady.

No one knows what kind of violent storms surged under the eyes of the young master when he did not see the young lady in his house.

At that time, the servants in the whole government were trembling, worried that the young master would be angry.

But when the young master found the young lady, it seemed not to be angry.

Sure enough, it was the young lady who could affect the young master's emotions.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't even know what his subordinates thought.

After watching it for a long while, it was dark, and he received a message from his subordinate there, a picture of Shui Xuan'er.

It was taken by his subordinates, and he knew that Shui Xuan'er had landed safely before he was relieved.

After rest assured, Shangguan Shaoheng turned around and said, "Go back!"

After Shangguan Shaoheng went back, he went straight back to the company. Shui Xuan'er was not in the house, and he had no idea of ​​going back.

He plans to take advantage of these few days to deal with the affairs of the company's family as soon as possible. When Shui Xuan'er returns, he can accompany Shui Xuan'er well.

Shangguan Shaoheng's thoughts are very deep, even if he thinks so, it is also invisible to others.

Even the head of the Shangguan family couldn't see the son's thoughts clearly.

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