Soon, the two arrived at the hotel, which is the kind of sightseeing seascape. After the two people lived in, they sat on the tatami and watched the seascape outside, drinking tea. They were very comfortable.

Shui Xuan'er felt very excited.

Although the royal family gave her the princess' treatment, she had restrained herself before.

It feels so good to be free. She takes a deep breath and feels very happy.

She feels that the air is so fresh and nice.

The windows opened a little, and the flowing air carried the breath of sea water.

Originally it was a bit tiring to take a car, but when the two arrived at the hotel, they were not sleepy anymore. The two were in good spirits drinking tea and talking.

Talking, both of them laughed excitedly.

They can now laugh haughtily.

The floor was covered with carpets. The two of them were tired and sat on the carpet to talk.

They are discussing how to play these days.

Although there have been tourism strategy planning before, the two people will temporarily change it. They are talking about the scenery of tourist attractions, where to go to play first, and where to eat at night.

Speaking of eating two people also excited.

Because there are many famous foods in this place, some are reported on TV.

Leng Xianghui said, she felt greedy, she all felt that she could eat a lot of food at once.

Although Shui Xuan'er grew up in the palace, although the food prepared by the royal palace's chef is also delicious, she eats it all year round, which is a taste. She still wants to go to eat all over the place.

In particular, she wanted to eat some foods reported on TV.

Although she is not an authentic foodie, she also loves food.

However, she has a good system and is not fat even if she eats.

So she can let go and eat.

The two were talking and their stomachs were gurgling.

The abdomen grunted, it was the sound of hunger, and both of them sat up and started laughing.

"Come on, let's go eat and then play."

"it is good."

For dinner, the two chose for a long time to find a seafood steak restaurant.

The decoration style inside is very unique. The walls are painted in exotic styles. Inside is a grid of private rooms. The lamp on the top is down. The light is very dark. The light is dark when it is not turned on. Only the looming Lights and music.

There is a waiter to deliver the menu. The two people looked at this menu and they didn't understand it, but they explained it.

They ordered a set meal.

Immediately after that, a piece of paper was laid on the table, which seemed to be specially made, and then it was eaten while holding gloves. Whether it was a seafood set meal or other meals, they came over and poured it on the paper. The two of them Eat seafood on paper.

In fact, this unique way of eating is quite interesting.

The two also ate a lot, and when they were full, the two went to tourist attractions.

Shui Xuan'er did not know how she was eating and was secretly photographed and sent to Master Shangguan.

Shangguan Shaoheng had originally arranged for people to secretly protect Shui Xuan'er, but his subordinates seemed to understand more of what he meant, and then took a picture and sent it to him.

Shangguan Shaoheng felt that this seemed inappropriate, but when he opened the photo, he saw that Shui Xuan'er was eating seafood arbitrarily, only to feel that his heart was soft.

He didn't expect that she was so cute.

Her eyes are very bright. When eating seafood, her cheeks are bulging, her movements are very elegant, but she is free and easy.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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