Leng Xianghui said with emotion, "Look at the carvings on the door, the eaves and the pillars, they are very beautiful, but the oldest works of art, the wisdom of the ancients is not something we can understand."

Shui Xuaner's expression moved, and blinked: "Well, it's really big and beautiful here."

"Yes, there are backyards, several backyards, and old trees. I heard that this old house is the hostess, and the backyard is the residence of the male pet. I am more and more curious about this hostess. It won't really be as the novel says..."

Shui Xuan'er listened, her mouth twitched, and she didn't know if the scenes she saw were unreal.

She did not know whether she had existed in a thousand years.

She was also in a trance.

Shui Xuan'er said, "Maybe this is the residence of a queen."



Leng Xianghui thought, "Well, I think you are right, you see such a large old house, it must be lived by a person with high weight, and it is not like the building of a royal palace, but it is also a bit like the ancient royal palace. Similarly, there is a mistress again, probably a queen!"

Leng Xianghui laughed when she talked and talked. She thought it was very interesting, just like reading a novel.

Shui Xuan'er looked trance, why did she dream that she was the ancient queen?

There are also Shangguan Shaoheng and Shangguan Shaoheng in costumes.

She used to think it was just reading novels. Now that she sees such an ancient house, she feels that dreams are not just dreams. Maybe they are really some scenes of time and space thousands of years ago.

Shui Xuan'er thought of this, and his heart almost jumped.

She didn't know why, her heart was beating so fast.

She pursed her lips and said, "Xianghui, shall we go back to the backyard and see?"

She wanted to see if the backyard was once the place where Shangguan Shaoheng lived.

Leng Xianghui nodded, and the two walked towards the other side.

They didn't know that when they walked in, the sky was dark, and the wind was blowing eerie.

There was smoke in the air, and there was no one around.

Shui Xuan'er and Leng Xianghui didn't notice it.

The old house was very big. When they walked to the backyard, it was already dark. A lamp was hung in front of each door of the backyard.

When he walked to a courtyard, Shui Xuan'er saw the plaque on it, which was written in the Qingzhuyuan.

When he saw the three characters of Qingzhuyuan, Shui Xuan'er's head was about to explode.

She remembered that when she was in a dream, she remembered that the arrangement for Shangguan Shaoheng in costume was Qingzhuyuan.

She clearly remembers the Qingzhuyuan.

Shui Xuan'er looked at these three ancient characters, dizzy for the first time.

She remembered clearly.

She is so familiar with this ancient house.

Leng Xianghui looked next to him: "Xuan'er, what are these three characters? Such ancient characters, we don't recognize it, experts may not recognize it."

Shui Xuan'er said without thinking: "It's Qingzhuyuan."

"Ah, these three words are Qingzhuyuan, Xuan'er, you know so much, and you understand ancient characters."

Listening to Leng Xianghui's exclamation, Shui Xuan'er was stunned, and then she suddenly recovered. She looked at the ancient characters carefully again. They were indeed ancient characters, but she recognized it, and she felt instinctively recognized. Without thinking, you know what the word is.

When Shui Xuan'er realized this, cold sweat broke out all over his body.

What's wrong with her, she is so familiar with this place.

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