When Leng Xianghui said this sentence, her voice shook a little.

Shui Xuan'er pursed her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say to comfort Leng Xianghui. She could only hold Leng Xianghui's hand hard. Such a dark, so weird old house, the two can't be in Here it is scattered, if it is scattered, do not know if you can find people, find the door.

Two people like this, at least not so scared.

Shui Xuan'er's head buzzed.

She suddenly thought of something: "We call out, yes."

Leng Xianghui patted her head, "Yeah, we can indeed call, why have I forgotten to call!"

Leng Xianghui said she was about to make a call, but she found that her cell phone had no signal.

Leng Xianghui shook her hand and almost tossed her mobile phone. "This... why is there no signal here?"

Shui Xuan'er's face also changed, "Why is there no signal here?"

With that said, she picked up her phone and started calling.

But her cell phone also had no signal.

There is no signal, that is to say, two people can't call, nor can they get online.

Leng Xianghui and Shui Xuan'er looked at each other, and both shivered.

But Shui Xuan'er was calm for a moment.

If everything she had seen before was true, the woman in the costume she dreamed of before was her.

Then this old house is hers. She can make the final decision. She can definitely go out when she says.

Shui Xuan'er took a deep breath and said, "Is there anyone around? Is anyone? We are lost..."

Leng Xianghui listened to Shui Xuan'er's voice, and began to shout, "Anyone? Lost, anyone?"

Leng Xianghui's voice was very loud, almost all the same as roaring.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, it sounded in the empty old house, and there were some languors.

Shui Xuan'er tried to calm down, but she kept flashing her costume, the queen, and the Shangguan son in costume.

At this moment, the door in front of them suddenly opened and the lights outside were turned on.

Two staff members walked in with a flashlight. They saw that Shui Xuan'er and Leng Xianghui were both stunned. "What's the matter with you, the door is closed at 5:30 and no entry is allowed, How did you come in?"

Seeing that there was a staff member, both of them froze, Leng Xianghui said: "We did come forward at that time."

At this time, Leng Xianghui spoke, and her voice was steady, no longer shaking.

She almost cried, and finally it was safe.

The old house just now is really scary.

"We all have radio announcements that the gate will close at half past five."

Broadcast notification?

Shui Xuan'er and Leng Xianghui did not hear.

The staff whispered a few words and let Leng Xianghui and Shui Xuan'er go out.

Leng Xianghui whispered, "This kind of ancient house is really a lousy man at night."

"I said little girl, you still don't understand. Such an ancient house, according to the inference of archaeologists, is also a thousand years old. Such an ancient house is best not to enter at night. Those who are closed are not allowed to travel, these are very particular."

Lianxiang Huiao said a few words, and went back with Shui Xuan'er.

The two did not go anywhere and went straight to their accommodation.

Both were a bit cold, and they both took a hot bath quickly.

The two took a hot bath before they warmed up.

The two were lying on the bed, but they didn't want to sleep at all, and they felt a little nervous.

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