When Shangguan Shaoheng returned to Fuzhong with Shui Xuan'er, the servants in Fufu were relieved.

On that day, when the young master came back, he didn't see the young lady. The stormy look everyone still remembers.

At that time, everyone understood that the young master really cares about the young lady, maybe it does not care about the general!

Everyone has never seen a young master do this to anyone.

Although everyone felt incredible, after all, the young master suddenly said this to the young lady.

Who knows where Mrs. Young is in the mind of the young master, although they are very respectful to Mrs. Young on weekdays, there are actually some omissions.

The young lady went back to school, she did not say, and everyone did not pay attention.

Unexpectedly, that day, the young master had such a fire, and even fired several principals.

That day, when the young master was angry, everyone did not dare to show up, nor did they dare to question the young master's decision.

Now when I see the young master bringing the young lady back, everyone feels relieved.

They thought they could not neglect the young lady in the future.

Shui Xuan'er didn't rest much all day and was also a little tired. She lay in bed after washing and bathing.

When she was going to sleep, Shangguan Shaoheng walked into the bedroom.

Shui Xuan'er was a little sleepy. She looked at Shangguan Shaoheng and she was stunned.

Shui Xuan'er was about to get up, Shangguan Shaoheng leaned over and held her, "Be good, sleep well."

Shui Xuan'er is indeed a bit tired, and feels comfortable going home to sleep at home.

Now she is in front of Shangguan Shaoheng without any disguise, he said let her sleep, she lay down and prepared to sleep.

But when Shangguan Shaoheng leaned over, she could smell the clean and fresh breath on him.

She knew that he had just taken a bath, and the smell on her body was very good, so that she couldn't help jumping with palpitation, and there was a feeling of being intoxicated.

Even if Shui Xuan'er was going to sleep, Shangguan Shaoheng was next to her, and she couldn't fall asleep.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er, his throat rolled down, and a gloomy glare flashed under his eyes.

This light made Shui Xuan'er feel suffocated.

"That, you... don't you sleep?"

Shui Xuan'er said this, in fact, to alleviate this atmosphere, which felt too subtle and made her a little suffocated.

She all felt that the air was full of Shangguan Shaoheng's breath.

There is a delicate fragrance of orchids, which smells good.

Shui Xuan'er's sentence was actually a question, but Shangguan Shaoheng nodded, "Okay, sleep."

With that said, Shangguan Shaoheng went to bed from the side, and then took Shui Xuan'er directly into his arms.

The moment Shui Xuan'er was hugged, her heart trembled. When she didn't recover, Shangguan Shaoheng went to bed and hugged her.

She used to sleep alone, so she shared the same bed, and she was not used to it for a while.

But she doesn't repel this feeling. She feels very comfortable and warm.

"You...you are not in another bedroom..."

Before Shui Xuan'er finished speaking, Shangguan Shaoheng bowed her head to kiss her lips and blocked what she wanted to say.

In fact, since the two kissed for the first time, Shangguan Shaoheng felt very natural after kissing again.

He treats Shui Xuan'er with his domineering, making her inescapable.


Shangguan Shaoheng's kiss was too hard, almost taking her breath away.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't think about this, Shui Xuan'er's beauty made him not want to control himself.

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