Shangguan Shaoheng was anxious. He wanted to see something. He wanted to know what secret was hidden in this ancient house.

How is this ancient house connected with him and Xuan'er?

Shangguan Shaoheng stared closely at the ancient house below, wanting the wind to blow away these black mists, he wanted to see the real scene of the ancient house.

A little bit of time passed, and it seemed that a beam of light came from the sky, illuminating the ancient house at once.

Then the sky above the old house seemed to turn into daylight all at once.

The old mansion, which was still gray, was really bright all of a sudden, and it suddenly appeared in the eyes of Shangguan Shaoheng.

It was like a picture scroll, and it came to life at once, as if it was dyed at once, and it came to life.

Many people in costumes suddenly appeared in the old house.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at these, all surprised.

He looked at his eyes wide, and they all felt weird and unbelievable.

Did Shui Xuan'er see these scenes before coming here?

When Shangguan Shaoheng was surprised, he suddenly saw a woman, a woman walking out of the main house, a woman in costume.

When the woman looked up at the sky, Shangguan Shaoheng's heart shook, Xuan'er?

It turned out to be Xuan'er.

Shangguan Shaoheng's whole body trembled, Xuan'er, really Xuan'er.

Shangguan Shaoheng's excited heart was disturbed.

His Xuan'er is beautiful.

Before, some scenes flashed in his mind, he knew it was Xuan'er, but it was a little vague.

But now, he sees clearly, he can see everything about her very clearly, as if standing by her side.

She in the costume, the beauty makes him amazing.

Shangguan Shaoheng kept shouting in his mouth, "Xuan'er, Xuan'er..."

But no matter how he shouted, the woman in costume didn't hear it.

She didn't know what she took, and then walked towards a place.

Shangguan Shaoheng's body seemed to be attracted, and he followed the pace of Xuan'er in costume in that direction.

Stopped at a Qingzhuyuan.

Xuan'er in costume didn't know what to say to the guard, the guard went in.

Shangguan Shaoheng was curious about who lived here.

Shangguan Shaoheng's uncontrolled body fluttered into the courtyard.

He saw a son of Jinyi sitting under the tree.

Just looking at the back, Shangguan Shaoheng felt familiar.

This time, he could hear what they said.

"Master, the prince sent something to the prince, and the prince also came in person."

"Just say I'm sick, and I won't see the prince."

"Master, I think the prince is serious about you. Although the prince is very cold to the prince, the prince is special to the prince."

"Did you benefit from the prince?"

"Young Master Rao Ming, the subordinates really think that the prince is better than the empress. The attitude of the prince and the empress is always unknown, but the prince is different."


When Shangguan Shaoheng saw the man exactly like him, he was shocked.

But thinking of the scenes that had been trance in his mind, he understood that this should be himself.

He wanted to step forward and slapped himself a few times. How could he treat Xuan'er so badly?

But his body seemed to be transparent, and he could only pass through all the characters, making him invisible.

Shangguan Shaoheng was a little helpless. He was angry, but he could only be angry with himself.

What he said now, people in these costumes can't hear.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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