Shangguan Shaoheng now seems to be treating Shui Xuan'er as a treasure, taking care of her carefully and taking care of her. The movements are gentle.

Shui Xuan'er didn't dare to look at Shangguan Shaoheng's hot face.

If she looked up at Shangguan Shaoheng at this time, she would definitely see the shining self-blame in the center of Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes.

Although Shangguan Shaoheng was looking at Shui Xuan'er, he would involuntarily flash some scenes of the old house in his mind.

Shui Xuan'er in costume will flash in his mind.

That ancient house should have a long history?

In that ancient time and space, he treated ancient Xuan'er like that in ancient times.

When he thought of how he treated Shui Xuan'er in that costume, his heart hurt.

When he looked at Shui Xuan'er, he blamed himself and felt guilty.

He didn't know how to treat Shui Xuan'er well in order to make up for the past.

He saw those scenes in the evening, if Shui Xuan'er knew to see them?

Thinking this way, Shangguan Shaoheng's heart jumped with a miss, he could not imagine how Shui Xuan'er would treat him if he knew it.

He must tie her around.

At this time, Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er with a strong possessiveness.

His eyes seemed to swallow Shui Xuan'er.

Shui Xuan'er didn't even notice the look of Shangguan Shaoheng. She just bowed her head a little embarrassedly and didn't go to see Shangguan Shaoheng.

But she could see that the dense body of her body was all traces of Shangguan Shaoheng falling.

She had to admit that Shangguan Shaoheng was too possessive.

Shui Xuan'er's face was even redder at the thought of last night's last morning's last morning.

Although she is generous, she is still blank in these respects.

Shangguan Shaoheng was so enthusiastic as soon as he came up, Shui Xuan'er was a little overwhelmed at first, because his attitude before and after the change was so fast.

After the two men were washed, they went to the restaurant on the first floor to eat.

When eating, Shangguan Shaoheng, as always, took care of Shui Xuan'er carefully, and took care of her for dinner.

"Xuan'er, eat more."

Shui Xuan'er only felt that there was a feeling that Shangguan Shaoheng was feeding pigs.

She ate a lot unconsciously.

She looked at Shangguan Shaoheng, "I really can't eat it anymore."

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er and reached out to gently touch her cheek. "Tired you, eat more."

When Shangguan Shaoheng said this, his tone was self-blaming.

Shui Xuan'er shook his head, "I'm fine, and you eat more."

She is a little princess of the royal family. She has been trained since childhood, and her physical fitness is still acceptable. Otherwise, she may not be able to withstand Shangguan Shaoheng's enthusiasm.

The servants waited by the side, everyone could see how the young master treated the young lady.

It's really the feeling of fear in my mouth.

Everyone really wants to see the young master.

And the big guy looked at the look on the young lady's face and knew what happened last night. Everyone was happy for the young master and the young lady.

After all, the night of the ceremony, the young master left the young lady alone in the room.

After eating, Shui Xuan'er was ready to pack up his suitcase and go back to school.

Shangguan Shaoheng was watching Shui Xuan'er packing the suitcase next to him. On several occasions, he wanted to leave her at home impulsively.

Although she just went to school, he still had pantothenic acid in his heart.

He knew that his heart's attention to Shui Xuan'er had exceeded his cognition.

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