Rong Wenmao had a good meal, and his eyes flashed a dark gloom.

Leng Xianghui looked at him without blinking.

Rong Wenmao rolled his throat and said, "Okay."

With a good word, Leng Xianghui became happy all at once, and she had a bright smile on her face.

As soon as Leng Xianghui was happy, she also began to give Rong Wenmao meat to eat vegetables, "You eat fast, eat more."

Leng Xianghui is now a kind of good feeling for Rong Wenmao. She feels that this is her boyfriend, and she should naturally be good to him.

Rong Wenmao looked at Leng Xianghui like this, a lot of complex emotions rushed from the bottom of her heart, and she really wanted to hug her in her arms and take pampering.

But he also knew that he still had to take it slowly, after all Leng Xianghui didn't have any memories of the past.

But he has, he seems to have been there for a long time, he has been looking for.

Everyone thought he was working part-time to make money. Only he knew that he was looking for Xianghui.

He searched for a long time, and finally found her.

He had memories from an early age, memories of ancient time and space, but he could not clearly see the specific appearance of that woman.

It was also that day, when he met Leng Xianghui, he jumped up unpreparedly. That feeling would not be wrong. He knew what it was like.

When he was excited, he wanted to hug Leng Xianghui, but he felt that he still needed to figure it out.

It was just that night, he dreamed and dreamed of the ancient scene. At that time, he could see clearly the appearance of the woman, that is Leng Xianghui.

After that, he was a little sure.

Leng Xianghui's habits haven't changed, her favorite food hasn't changed, and her look hasn't changed.

Even though Rong Wenmao seemed calm, but only his own heart knew best, the blood on his body was boiling.

This meal, both of them were very happy.

When Rong Wenmao went to checkout, Leng Xianghui held him proudly and said: "You are my boyfriend, I want to cover you, how can I make you check out, I will check out."

Rong Wenmao looked at her like this, shook her hand, "My boyfriend wants to invite his girlfriend to dinner, how can I get a girlfriend to pay for it."

With that said, Rong Wenmao checked out.

When going outside, Leng Xianghui still had a tangled look.

Rong Wenmao looked at her look wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It feels so distressing to spend your money."

"Fool, don't feel distressed, earning is to treat your girlfriend well."

"That was earned by you working part-time."

Rong Wenmao touched Leng Xianghui's hair. "Silly girl, I am working part-time to find you."

In any case, Xiang Hui always moved him.

He is not good to her, to whom?

Rong Wenmao can't wait to take all the saved things to coax Lengxianghui to be happy.

Leng Xianghui stunned, part-time job is to find her?

"Are you looking for me?"

"It's a long story and I can't explain it for a while, but silly girl, don't worry about spending money, you know?"

"But you...but you came out of the younger generation, you are not easy."

When saying this, Leng Xianghui said carefully, she was afraid to stimulate Rong Wenmao's self-esteem.

Generally people like this have heard that their self-esteem is very strong.

Rong Wenmao shook his head, "Wait for the holiday, and take you to my house during the holiday, you will know everything."

Leng Xianghui looked at Rong Wenmao's look and felt that the **** was mysterious, "Your home, where is your home?"

"In the deep valley, go once and you will know."

"Why are you always mysterious and secret, I want to have a holiday soon."

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