Shangguan Shaoheng can feel his heart beating a few times, everything here is just some phantoms in his mind.

Somehow, he wanted to build it at the time.

Later, when he had a special feeling for Shui Xuan'er, after some scenes in his mind became clear, he wanted to bring Shui Xuan'er here.

He thought Shui Xuan'er would love it here.

Seeing her look, he knew.

But knowing it, he still wanted to ask her, and wanted to hear her answer.

Unexpectedly, she will also have a sense of familiarity.

Once, perhaps in ancient times thousands of years ago, he and Shui Xuan'er lived in such a place.

But the scene in his mind was a little vague and clear. He couldn't find a scene like that, so he built a new one himself.

This is just one of the scenes, the wooden house, the fence, the small courtyard, the clear stream, and the hot spring...

Shangguan Shaoheng parked the car outside, then took Shui Xuan'er's hand and walked in.

Shui Xuan'er warmed the fresh air and listened to the sound of bird calls, only to feel that he strayed deep into the forest.

She looked at the blue sky, and looked at the small bridge and flowing wooden houses around her, and her mood was all happy.

This is the kind of feeling she likes in her heart, the whole person is very relaxed.

And there is someone she loves around.

This is the most important person.

Shui Xuan'er's eyebrows were curved, with a smile, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help it.

Shui Xuan'er is looking at the scenery, Shangguan Shaoheng is looking at her.

Shui Xuan'er turned her head and met Shangguan Shaoheng's tender eyes. She seemed to be immersed in such eyes all at once, and she couldn't help being drunk.

It's really that Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes are too beautiful, and all of them have the same magic power that she can't resist at all.

Just as Shui Xuan'er seemed to be caught in magic power, Shangguan Shaoheng reached out and took Shui Xuan'er's waist lightly, bowing his head and kissing Shui Xuan's lips.

Shui Xuan'er's breath seemed to suffocate. When Shangguan Shaoheng leaned over, her eyelashes fluttered and she couldn't help closing her eyes.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er and closed his eyes. His heart moved so badly that his eyes dimmed and he kissed Shui Xuan'er's lips gently.

This kiss is different from those stormy kisses before, this kiss is very gentle, with a breath of love.

Shangguan Shaoheng was not in a hurry, kissed Shui Xuan'er a little, tasting her fragrance.

The fresh breeze blew, as if blowing into the heart of the person, the heart softened as if it were nourished.

Both people like this atmosphere.

After a kiss, Shangguan Shaoheng slowly released Shui Xuan'er.

He looked at Shui Xuan'er tenderly with a smile and reached out to gently stroke her hair.

Shangguan Shaoheng's movements are very light and gentle. He treats Shui Xuan'er as a treasure, and is a treasure of the heart.

Shui Xuan'er was throbbing with kisses, and her heart was still beating fast. She leaned her head in Shangguan Shaoheng's arms, slowly calming her breath.

She actually likes to lean on Shangguan Shaoheng's arms.

She will be in a good mood when she is not entangled.

Here, let her have a very relaxed feeling.

"Shaoheng, thank you."

"Fool, say thank you. If you want to live in school in the future, we can live here in the evening. I will pick you up at school. It's spring. I live here. It's not cold or hot. It should be very good."


When Shui Xuan'er breathed down, Shangguan Shaoheng took her hand and said, "Go, take you to the wooden house to see."

Shui Xuan'er's eyes lit up and nodded.

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