Liu Ningning looked at the figures of these young students and schoolgirls, and remembered what she was like in her sophomore year.

In the first and second year, I understood everything. Especially when I was in college, I felt that everything was fresh and interesting, and my heart was both timid and full of expectations for college life.

I felt quite energetic at that time.

In fact, youth is really good.

If she can, she wants to continue learning in the school's ivory tower.

Because in the ivory tower, you can wander in the ocean of knowledge as much as you like, you don’t have to think so much, you just need to study hard.

But at the university, she was especially grateful to meet Luo Yanxiao, who accompanied her to study with her, bought her food, and took care of her.

Also let her experience the sweetness of love.

In fact, the love in college is also very good, this is the same feeling, urging her, let her study more seriously, to get better.

Because of this, she felt she could stand beside Luo Yanxiao.

At the beginning, when she was with Luo Yanxiao, she was inferior, she would compare everywhere, and she would doubt herself.

But Luo Yanxiao used his goodness to prove that he was serious. Slowly, she believed his feelings and was willing to work hard for them.

At that time, she thought, maybe she is not good enough, but she may be good in Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

She also knows that she has changed a lot from freshman to senior, and she is getting better.

Through hard work and learning, she became excellent.

Others are playing, she is at school, she is working hard like this, a little bit better, and then after a long time, she really becomes better and more beautiful.

She can now look confidently in the mirror.

Walking on the playground, thinking of these, Liu Ningning couldn't help laughing.

She was not confused after graduation, she knew what she was going to do.

And because she had a lot of knowledge and skills in college, she didn’t worry about getting used to her job after graduation.

With knowledge, you feel a lot more confident.

Liu Ningning walked in the school for a long time. Although she was a little bit reluctant to the campus, when she thought of Luo Yanxiao, there was a warmth in her heart. This warmth made her no longer confused.

Before, she and Luo Yanxiao were almost inseparable in school.

If there is an evening party in the school, she will go to watch it and become Luo Yanxiao's girlfriend. When Liu Ningning watched Luo Yanxiao sing and perform on stage, she will not feel tingling.

Because Luo Yanxiao was very close to her, she knew.

And when he was on stage, his eyes followed her.

Even if she is offstage, he can catch her at a glance.

Sometimes she watched him sing on stage, and there was a feeling that he was singing to herself, because her eyes were there, and she could see clearly.

He was looking at her, and there was light in his eyes.

Sometimes, Luo Yanxiao will step down and take her directly to the stage.

At that time, she really felt that Luo Yanxiao was so dazzling.

But the distant feeling of freshman year is gone, because they are so close, they are boyfriends and girlfriends.

And now everyone in the school knows them and knows that she and Luo Yanxiao are together.

Thinking about it, Liu Ningning was in a good mood and could not help laughing out loud.

"My little fairy, what are you thinking about, smiling all by yourself."

Upon hearing this voice, Liu Ningning knew that it was Luo Yanxiao, and her heart trembled, then she turned to look.

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