When Liu Ningning thought of Luo Yanxiao, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

In the university, Luo Yanxiao accompanied her, so she was so motivated, so hard to study.

Although she is not good at expressing, she knows her inner feelings.

It was Luo Yanxiao who let her know how to love and let her understand what emotions are all about.

When she was sitting on the bed, she saw the puppet doll at the head of the bed, and her heart was very soft. These were bought by Luo Yanxiao.

When she was a child, she actually liked such dolls. When she watched a TV series, she saw that the little girls on TV were holding such dolls to sleep.

At that time, for her, such a thing was a luxury, and it was very expensive. Her parents were reluctant to buy a piece of clothing on a weekday, let alone buy such a rag doll. She was also very sensible and never asked her parents to ask These ones.

Later, when she grew up, she naturally became stronger, and she didn't think about the little girl's stuff.

But Luo Yanxiao would buy them for her. She found that it was not that she didn't have a girl heart, but she didn't dare to have a girl heart before. After being with Luo Yanxiao, she dared to have a girl heart in her heart.

She hugged the doll and couldn't help laughing.

In the apartment where she lived with Luo Yanxiao, there were also rag dolls, which Luo Yanxiao bought for her, as well as kerchiefs, headbands, and some jewelry, which Luo Yanxiao also bought for her.

Luo Yanxiao would be angry if she didn't accept it, and then she used to collect it.

In fact, she was reluctant to wear it. Later, Luo Yanxiao wore it to her.

Thinking about it, Liu Ningning couldn't help but reach out and touch the necklace on her neck. The necklace on her neck was also bought by Luo Yanxiao. She liked it very much.

In fact, as long as things Luo Yanxiao bought her, she liked it.

Liu Ningning thought of Luo Yanxiao in his mind.

In the evening, Luo Yanxiao called Liu Ningning and asked her if she had packed up. He was waiting for her in the dormitory.

Nowadays, both of them are used to staying together during the day and night. At night, the two will go to the apartment. They are used to sleeping beside each other. If Liu Ningning returned to the dormitory one day, Luo Yanxiao was not used to it.

Not only is Luo Yanxiao not used to it, Liu Ningning is not used to it either.

Liu Ningning's mobile phone has now changed, and she has changed to a smart phone, which Luo Yanxiao bought for her.

In fact, when the two are in a deep relationship, they will not be separated from each other, and Liu Ningning, who bought Luo Yanxiao, will also keep it.

Liu Ningning told Luo Yanxiao that it was packed, then she hurried downstairs, Luo Yanxiao took her hand and went back to the apartment.

When Liu Ningning was studying too hard sometimes, Luo Yanxiao looked at her to supervise her, so that she could have a normal rest and rest, and she could relax properly after studying.

At night, the two will also sit on the sofa and watch TV together.

Luo Yanxiao will prepare some fruit for Liu Ningning.

Liu Ningning found that eating fruit was really good, she felt her skin had improved.

Liu Ningning leaned on Luo Yanxiao's arms and watched TV for a while. When he was sleepy, he couldn't help falling asleep.

Luo Yanxiao took Liu Ningning back to the bedroom, and then took her to sleep together.

At dawn the next day, Liu Ningning opened her eyes and could see Luo Yanxiao around her. She couldn't help but smile lightly.

She looked at him and smiled happily.

As soon as Liu Ningning moved, Luo Yanxiao seemed to feel it. He opened his eyes to meet her smile, which was dazzling and brighter than the sun.

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