Shangguan Shaoheng rarely sees a person so seriously, but when he wakes up, he doesn't move, so he looks down at Shui Xuan'er seriously.

She still held his hand tightly, but because she was lying there, she didn't know how long she had stayed by the bed.

It can be said that everything that happened at the Lantern Festival shocked him.

She is not the same as what is rumored outside. She has the most beautiful and clean eyes. The person with such eyes will definitely not be a dude.

When she was in danger, she thought of how to protect the people.

And she is good at temperament and martial arts...

Thinking of these, Shangguan Shaoheng's expression also changed.

He seemed to guess something at this time.

Shangguan Shaoheng naturally thought about the situation of Ding King's Mansion.

But he wondered, since she was not rumored outside, why did you bring him into the palace? What is her purpose?

Shangguan Shaoheng thought for a while, then sighed in his heart.

In fact, he thought about it carefully. Shui Xuan'er was only 16 years old, a little girl, but she seemed to bear a lot.

If it weren't for this assassination, she showed her ability, and no one knew she was like this.

Even he didn't know her before.

Perhaps it is that he did not really understand her.

Or maybe he didn’t know it.

Shangguan Shaoheng seemed to think of something, his expression moved, and he was in the other hand trying to touch Shui Xuan'er's hair.

But the moment his hand touched her hair, it seemed to come back.

At this moment, Shangguan Shaoheng's body was also stiff.

Shui Xuan'er, even when she was lying on the bed, was also a light sleeper, so she moved a little, and she woke up.

Shui Xuan'er was a little confused when she woke up and opened her eyes.

She is so cute, actually very cute.

Shangguan Shaoheng met such eyes, and his heart softened at once, as if something hit his mouth.

In the eyes of Shangguan Shaoheng, there was a faint light.

Shui Xuan'er opened her eyes, rubbed her eyes, and when she saw Shangguan Shaoheng, she smiled happily, "Shaoheng, woke up, is there any discomfort?"

Shui Xuan'er was agitated when she saw Shangguan Shaoheng waking up, and all her worries dissipated.

At this time, Shui Xuan'er didn't seem to be the queen of King's Palace, but a pure girl.

Shangguan Shaoheng said softly: "I'm fine, don't worry, I'm in good health."

Shui Xuan'er looked at Shangguan Shaoheng's hand and said, "The doctor said you were poisoned, but fortunately it was cleaned up in time. It's okay, you were injured because of me."

Shui Xuan'er said a lot of emotions in his heart.

It has been a long time since her parents went, and no one will protect her like this in danger.

He made her feel safe, and Shangguan Shaoheng was very strong.

In danger, at that moment, because of his protection, she felt nothing afraid.

Although she has martial arts ability, she still wants to be protected, or she wants someone to take care of her.

Her heart is actually fragile, but she has to be strong.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er and said, "Don't blame yourself. In that case, if I don't take action, I will be in danger."

Shangguan Shaoheng doesn't seem to be good at comforting people, so he can't let Shui Xuaner blame himself.

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