Nan Qing Xiao has not spoken to people so relaxed for a long time.

Because he knew that Shui Xuan'er was the prince of King Dingfu and knew her identity, he could relax and talk to her.

He is not a good person. He built Fengyuelou to get news. In fact, Fengyuelou is a news network.

He will do whatever he can to achieve his goal, but he will not frame Zhongliang and will not innocent people.

It will not harm a loyal King Ding.

Thinking of the incumbent empress, Nan Qing Xiao's eyes flashed a dangerous cold light.

However, such a light just passed away, and did not allow Shui Xuan'er to see clearly.

Shui Xuan'er looked at Nan Qing Xiao Road and said, "I think you are a good person."

Shui Xuan'er's voice was firm when he spoke.

When she looked at Nan Qing Xiao, her eyes were very sincere. She really thought Nan Qing Xiao was a good person.

Nan Qing Xiao ha ha smiled, he has not laughed like this for a long time.

He smiled happily.

Shui Xuan'er looked at him with a smile, all had a dazzling feeling.

But at this time, although she was looking at Nan Qingxiao, she thought of Shangguan Shaoheng through him.

The thought of Shangguan Shaoheng, Shui Xuan'er's heart could not help pulling up, just like a needle stick, it hurt a bit.

She didn't even know what happened to Shangguan Shaoheng.

I don't know if he is talking to the empress.

She never knew that Shangguan Shaoheng had a past with the empress, but she didn't know the past without participating.

Thinking of these, Shui Xuan'er's eyes dimmed.

She cares about Shangguan Shaoheng has exceeded her own imagination.

Her heart hurts now.

Nan Qing Xiao can naturally see the change in Shui Xuan'er's expression, "Why is the Lord worried?"

Shui Xuan'er didn't want people to see her fragile mind. She shook her head and said, "I'm just thinking about the Queen's things. Her Majesty has never been assured of King's Mansion."

Nan Qing's expression moved, and he said comfortingly: "The prince can do what you have to do, and one day the queen will no longer be a threat."

In fact, at this time, there is a comforting sentence, no matter what, it can make Shui Xuan'er feel better.

"Benefactor, please call me by my name, the prince and prince cried strangely."

"it is good."

"Brother Nan, I know that you definitely have what you have to do, it should not be simple, but as Brother Nan said, you still have to take care of yourself and your life matters."

"Thanks to sister Xuan'er for reminding me, I will pay attention."


Shui Xuan'er said a lot to Nan Qingxiao before returning to the palace at noon.

After returning to the king's palace, Shui Xuan'er pretended to be pretended and didn't want to pretend to know anything, but when eating at noon, she didn't see Shangguan Shaoheng.

Shui Xuan'er asked Bicui, "How about Shaoheng?"

In fact, at this time, Shui Xuan'er still wanted to see Shangguan Shaoheng.

"Master Shangguan was in Qingzhuyuan, and he never came out."

Shui Xuan'er picked up the chopsticks and looked at the table full of food, and had no appetite.

"Did he come here in the morning and asked me?"

Bicui shook her head, and Shangguan did not come to ask the prince.

If it is weekdays, Shangguan son will come to accompany the prince to breakfast.

Shui Xuan'er felt bitter when she heard Bicui's answer.

She felt unable to breathe at all.

If she said that she did not see Shangguan Shaoheng meeting with the empress last night and did not hear them, she would not think much.

But now, she couldn't help starting to think more.

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