Shui Xuan'er also looked at Shangguan Shaoheng, even if she told her to be calm, but sometimes people's emotions are beyond their control.

Shui Xuan'er's hands in his sleeves were shaking slightly.

Shui Xuan'er wanted to say "Shaoheng..."

Her brains are a little blank, and in the face of Shangguan Shaoheng, she seems to be not her own.

Shui Xuan'er looked at Shangguan Shaoheng, his eyes trembling.

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't seem to see Shui Xuan'er.

He just said faintly: "My lord!"

With a loud prince, Shui Xuan'er's head hurt. She almost passed out.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Shangguan Shaoheng, he...he called her prince?

He used to call her Xuan'er with a smile.

Now he even called her prince.

Shui Xuan'er only felt that her heart was sore and she couldn't breathe.

She didn't even know what to say or how to react.

Lord, he even called her Lord, huh...

His eyes were so calm, looking at her was like looking at a stranger.

Haha, the original stupid person is her Shui Xuan'er.

Shui Xuan'er saw Shangguan Shaoheng walking towards Qingzhuyuan in this way. She looked at his back and took a deep breath and said: "Shaoheng, you call me prince!"

Speaking of this sentence, Shui Xuan'er's voice was still hoarse. Obviously her voice was also trembling, and she was not as calm as it seemed.

She can blame him for not visiting her or caring for her, but how can he call her prince so strangely.

What is he doing?

Was he because of the Queen?

In his eyes, the empress was so important, he believed in the words of the empress.

The queen is really hypocritical.

Shangguan Shaoheng stepped in, "If the prince is fine, I will go back to Qingzhuyuan."

Shui Xuan'er couldn't bear it, she couldn't control her emotions. She ran up and grabbed the sleeve of Shangguan Shaoheng. "Shaoheng, you said, why are you doing this to me, you are because of the empress, are you because of her... …"

Before Shui Xuan'er had finished speaking, Shangguan Shaoheng took off her hand, "Ye Wang's own weight!"

When he said this, his voice was a little cold.

Shui Xuan'er shivered back a few steps, she couldn't believe it, and she couldn't believe it. She just watched Shangguan Shaoheng returned to Qingzhuyuan.

Shui Xuan'er didn't know that she had stood in place for a long time before she returned to the house.

For a long time, Shui Xuan'er had been training herself all day long and could not care about eating. She became thinner and thinner.

She continued to pretend, but she was not too energetic to pretend to be herself.

After a period of time, a war broke out in the frontier, and Shui Xuan'er received the Queen's Decree and sent her to chaos.

Shui Xuan'er has seen the twists and turns of the war. This war is very dangerous, but as the queen of the king's palace, he has the military power in his hand to go to chaos, and it is incumbent on him.

But she wanted to see Shangguan Shaoheng before going out.

When Shui Xuan'er went to Qingzhuyuan, the guard did not let her in.

Shui Xuan'er made up his mind to see Shangguan Shaoheng.

She said that if Shangguan Shaoheng was missing, she would stand here.

Later, Shangguan Shaoheng spoke, and let her enter the Qingzhu Garden.

Shui Xuan'er tried to stabilize her mind. She looked at the Shangguan Shaoheng at the table and said, "I'm going to go on an expedition. Before going on an expedition, I want to see you."

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er and was surprised. It seemed to be surprised why she was so thin, but her eyes were cold. "Is the prince wanting to say anything?"

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