The corner of Shui Xuan'er's mouth evoked a slight arc, "It's my old friend!"

When Shui Xuan'er said this, his heart hurt.

She also thinks that she can now justify some relationships, saying that she and Shangguan Shaoheng are related, and that they are well-known, but in fact, the two really seem to be true friends.

This statement made Shui Xuan'er feel helpless.


When Shangguan Shaoheng woke up, he sat up all at once, "Xuan'er..."

He woke up calling Xuan'er's name.

Shangguan Shaoheng sat up in awake, and cold sweat came out of his forehead.

Shangguan Shaoheng has always been elegant and dignified, calm and calm, why had such a time.

He almost wiped the sweat on his forehead in a panic and began to look for Shui Xuan'er.

As he hurried to the ground, Shui Xuan'er got up from the chair beside him and said, "Are you awake?"

When Shangguan Shaoheng heard the voice of Shui Xuan'er, he was still not fully awake.

But when he saw Shui Xuan'er, he came to Shui Xuan'er excitedly and hugged her tightly.

"Xuan'er, Xuan'er... Don't leave me, don't..."

When Shangguan Shaoheng said this, his voice was hoarse and sobbed.

Shui Xuan'er didn't know why, listening to Shangguan Shaoheng's voice and listening to him calling her name, her heart hurt a little, and she seemed to be affected by his emotions.

She was suddenly held like this by Shangguan Shaoheng. She held it tightly and tightly, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

Even when he was in Wangfu before, Shangguan Shaoheng hugged her, but he gave him a soft hug.

But now, he hugged very tightly, and she hugged a little.

Shui Xuan'er couldn't breathe anymore. She struggled to push away Shangguan Shaoheng gently, but when she first moved, she suddenly felt the moisture between her neck.

Shui Xuan'er was shocked, her eyes widened suddenly, and she couldn't even believe it.

Shao Heng... Did he cry?

Realizing this possibility, Shui Xuan'er's heart shivered fiercely.

Her hands were tightly grasping the clothes, she pursed her lips carefully and said: "You... are you crying?"

Shangguan Shaoheng wanted to say that he did not cry, but he also knew he was crying.

He couldn't show his fragile emotions in front of Xuan'er, but he was just too scared, so he couldn't help crying.

"Xuan'er, I'm sorry, but you... can you forgive me, don't leave me, I will treat you well, and make up for you, Xuan'er, you believe me, this time only you, I will never forget, you Didn’t you say that you want to live in seclusion? Then we will live in seclusion, wherever you want to live in seclusion, we will live in seclusion. I’ll learn to do whatever you want to eat..."

Now Shangguan Shaoheng still has some feelings of fear. He hugs Shui Xuan'er and almost speaks incoherently.

Shui Xuan'er listened to Shangguan Shaoheng's words, which was also incredible.

If it were before, Shangguan Shaoheng would never say such things.

Listening to these words, she only felt that her heart was touched.

Her heart has long softened.

At this moment, she particularly wanted to tell Shangguan Shaoheng that she could see it and she remembered the past.

But she opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to speak.

She also worried that Shangguan Shaoheng would think she was cheating on him.

After hesitating, Shui Xuan'er said: "You just woke up, did you feel uncomfortable, drink some water first."

"I'm fine, I'm not uncomfortable."

Shangguan Shaoheng just wanted to hold Shui Xuan'er like this, he didn't want to let go of his arms.

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