Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 6299: She doesn't know what to do

Shangguan Shaoheng remembered that before, he felt ashamed of Xuan'er.

He was very guilty and guilty, but more distressed.

Xuan'er was distressed at that time.

At that time, she loved him, but unfortunately he did not cherish it.

At that time, he didn't seem to understand exactly how his heart felt towards Xuan'er.

When that day, knowing the news of her battlefield death, he spit out blood, and after the drug effect of Forgetting Powder was lifted, he only knew how deep his feelings for Xuan'er were.

At that moment, he felt that he was crazy, he felt that his heart could not beat, and he could not breathe.

At that moment, he wanted to go with Xuan'er.


Shui Xuan'er could hear the voice of Shangguan Shaoheng outside the house. She curled up on the ground, and her tears kept rising.

She knew she was embarrassing herself, but she didn't know what to do.

Shangguan Shaoheng knew that Xuan'er hated him, so he didn't know how to let Xuan'er forgive him.

"Xuan'er, how can you forgive me, you can make me do anything, just ask you to forgive, Xuan'er, as long as you say..."

Shangguan Shaoheng kept talking, his throat became choked with difficulty.

His internal power is very strong, so he seems to hear a subtle sound inside, it seems to be crying.

Shangguan Shaoheng heard Shui Xuan'er crying, and his heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

He couldn't help it.

He couldn't see Xuan'er crying, and even she couldn't bear to cry, knowing that she was crying, Shangguan Shaoheng felt a bad heartache.

For a moment, he seemed to be unable to breathe.

Shangguan Shaoheng's face was all white.

"Xuan'er... you... are you crying?"

"Xuan'er, don't cry, if you're sad, you can call me or scold me, don't you cry?"

For Shangguan Shaoheng, Shui Xuan'er shed a tear as if it were flowing in his heart, and it would burn his heart.

Shangguan Shaoheng said this way, the more fierce Shui Xuan'er was crying in the house.

Why did she care so much about her at this time?

He used to spoil her and protect her, but she always felt that something was missing.

Only now does she know what was missing at the time, that is, she lacked such a strong concern.

Shui Xuan'er cried and swollen her eyes. When she planned to stand up to talk to Shangguan Shaoheng, she fell to the ground because of a headache and dizziness.

The sound of "touch!" was very loud.

The sound surprised the Shangguan Shaoheng outside the house. Shangguan Shaoheng's heart was raised directly, "Xuan'er, how are you, Xuan'er, Xuan'er..."

Shangguan Shaoheng shouted nervously and patted the door, but there was no sound in it.

Shangguan Shaoheng could only knock the door open. What he saw was that Shui Xuan'er fell to the ground. Shangguan Shaoheng was terrified directly, "Xuan'er, Xuan'er..."

Shui Xuan'er seemed a little unconscious.

Shangguan Shaoheng left Shui Xuan'er directly on the day, and he took Shui Xuan'er for treatment.

Shangguan Shaoheng used almost all his internal power, and no one knew his inner tension.

No one knows his tension with Shui Xuan'er.

The doctor gave Shui Xuan'er a pulse and said that Shui Xuan'er was not a big problem, but she was poisoned before, and her head was injured. She also left some sequelae. Let her be too excited to rush to fire like this.

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