After knowing what happened to Shui Xuan'er, Zhou Aai was also surprised. She only felt that Shui Xuan'er and Shangguan son were also destined.

The two people were still going around together.

She looked at Shangguan Shaoheng this child is also good, is really a heart for Shui Xuan'er.

Shui Xuan'er followed Shangguan Shaoheng's seclusion, she was also at ease, and they were not far away, and she could often visit Xuan'er in the future.

But now Shui Xuan'er looks good, she is not going to appear in front of Xuan'er for the time being, so as not to irritate her head any more uncomfortable, it would be bad if she forgets Shangguan Shaoheng.

So, after she knew that the two were in seclusion, she agreed.

However, when Zhou Aai knew through their grandson that Xuan'er and Shangguan Shaoheng were two people, they were really shocked.

All of them are of such high identities that they came to Qingzhou City.

And Shui Xuan'er is the Queen of Dingguo, the Queen of Dingguo who defended the victory of the border country.

Zhou Aai was excited for a long time, but only felt a sense of pride in her heart.


The next time, Shangguan Shaoheng took Shui Xuan'er to live in the place he had arranged for a long time.

Every day, Shangguan Shaoheng takes care of Shui Xuan'er's life, cooking and laundry, and even the tableware and utensils at home are all made by Shangguan Shaoheng himself.

When Shui Xuan'er looked at Shangguan Shaoheng, his eyes were full of light.

She never knew that Shangguan Shaoheng would do so many things.

No matter what Shangguan Shaoheng is busy with, Shui Xuan'er will sit next to him and look at him, talk to him, or else pull his sleeve, just like the little girl.

As for Shui Xuan'er, Shangguan Shaoheng spoiled her.

No matter what he is busy with, Shangguan Shaoheng will take a look at Shui Xuan'er after a while. His eyes are filled with gentle water-loving light.

Shui Xuan'er especially likes to look at Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes. She just feels that she is drunk when she meets the gentle eyes. She will feel particularly sweet in her heart.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er's expression, his heart softened, he could not help but silently Shui Xuan'er's hair, the movement was very light and soft, as if treating treasures.

Afraid that Shui Xuan'er is bored, Shangguan Shaoheng will also take Shui Xuan'er around, go to the night market, and eat at the restaurant.

Of course, most of the time, he still cooks.

Shui Xuan'er would look at Shangguan Shaoheng beside him excitedly and say a lot to him.

In fact, for Shui Xuan'er, she still likes to eat the food made by Shangguan Shaoheng.

No matter how good the food is outside, she still lacks some feelings, but the food cooked by Shangguan Shaoheng, she feels the most delicious.

Every time Shui Xuan'er was satisfied, Shangguan Shaoheng felt a sense of satisfaction.

"Eat more if you like it. I will make whatever I want in the future."

Shui Xuan'er looked at Shangguan Shaoheng's gentle look, and had a lot of emotions in his heart. When he was in Yangcheng, when he set the king's palace, Shangguan Shaoheng didn't treat her like this.

His eyes were not like that.

But she still thinks that Shangguan is less good, as if she is her pet.

She enjoys this feeling, her heart is very sweet.

"Shaoheng, why are you so good to me?"

Regarding this question, Shangguan Shaohengye couldn't answer it. After thinking about it, he said, "Because you are at the top of my heart, I want to be kind to you and spoil you."

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