Shangguan Shaoheng lowered his head and gently kissed Shui Xuan'er's heart, saying: "Good, eat first, or you'll be cold if you don't have dinner. Later we will have time to talk and accompany."

Shui Xuan'er nodded vigorously, "Uh huh."

She agreed with the sentence just mentioned by Shangguan Shaoheng. She quickly picked up her mood and went to the living room for dinner with Shangguan Shaoheng.

This is the presidential suite of the hotel. Shui Xuan'er feels like home because there is Shangguan Shaoheng beside him.

Moreover, this hotel is still an industry under the name of the Shangguan family, so when living, Shui Xuan'er is also very free.

After lunch, Shangguan Shaoheng took Shui Xuan'er's hand to go outside and stroll around.

After shopping tired, Shangguan Shaoheng would buy some snacks for Shui Xuan'er.

After buying more, Shangguan Shaoheng gave Shui Xuan'er a hand, he ate with one hand and took Shui Xuan'er's hand with one hand.

Shui Xuan'er is responsible for eating.

If it were before, Shui Xuan'er definitely cares about his own image and will not eat on the road.

But since all the memories have been restored and the ancient memories have been possessed, Shui Xuan'er's previous habits have been preserved.

Her habits in ancient times were also spoiled by Shangguan Shaoheng.

It’s not easy to change some habits.

Moreover, Shangguan Shaoheng spoiled her, and she didn't want to change it.

She just wanted to live as she pleased and live as she wanted.

In modern times, as a royal princess, she used to restrain herself in words and deeds in the royal palace. Now, she does not need to restrain herself, she can live a free and easy life.

And now she and Shangguan Shaoheng are still young.

Shui Xuan'er was in a good mood, and they all jumped.

She really has a feeling of returning from old age to young at once, as if she were born again.

Shui Xuan'er even has a feeling of dreaming, not knowing what is real and what is in the dream.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Shui Xuan'er like this, with soft light in his eyes and a smile. He gently reminded him from time to time: "Slow your head, slow down, don't touch and fall."

Shui Xuan'er turned to look at Shangguan Shaoheng, "Isn't there you? You won't let me fall."

When Shui Xuan'er said this, he looked very serious and his eyes were firm.

She just believed that Shangguan Shaoheng, he was reluctant to let her fall.

Shangguan Shaoheng shook his head helplessly. He really spoiled her, but he was happy to spoil himself, as long as his Xuan'er was happy.

After shopping for a while, Shangguan Shaoheng and Shui Xuan'er went to the ancient house and took a look.

This time when two people went in to see, the mood was completely different from before. Their expressions were light and light. This time it seemed that they really looked at tourist attractions.

Shui Xuan'er took Shangguan Shaoheng on the stone wall and looked at it, "Shaoheng, you carved these, right?"

She saw everything. She saw everything in ancient times. It was Shangguan Shaoheng who engraved Chen Xinling.

There was Shangguan Shaoheng's blood on it. Shui Xuan'er reached out to touch and his hands were shaking.

Shangguan Shaoheng held Shui Xuan'er's other hand harder, "Xuan'er, thank you for staying with me."

Shangguan Shaoheng knew clearly what kind of despair he felt when he engraved these words.

At that time he really thought Shui Xuan'er was dead.

At that time, he was also holding a mortal heart, he was going to take revenge and then went with Shui Xuan'er.

Later, when she was still alive, he wanted to live well with her.

Shui Xuan'er said delicately: "Thank you for saying nothing, it's all old men and old wives."

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