When Shangguan Shaoheng said this, he looked very serious. He didn't want Shui Xuan'er to misunderstand. He must also show his attitude.

Shangguan Shaoheng's words were cold and alienated, making Liu Qiaolian stunned.

Liu Qiao's eyes widened at once, and she couldn't believe the Shangguan Shaoheng in disbelief. He didn't believe that what he just said was so harsh.

In the past, Shangguan Shaoheng had never treated her like that. Although he was unsmiling at that time, he was very indulgent to her. No matter what she did, he was very indulgent.

When he was wronged in the entertainment industry, he would all settle for her. Why did he ever treat her like this?

Liu Qiaoli didn't believe it, "Shao Heng, you... how do you talk to me like this?"

"Liu Qiaoli, I just let you recognize your identity. You are an artist of Hengyao Group, that's all."

Shangguan Shaoheng said that he would pull Shui Xuan'er out. Just on the plane, Shui Xuan'er didn't eat much, and he looked tired. He felt distressed, and he would take Shui Xuan'er back to dinner.

But Liu Qiaoli obviously didn't have this vision. She stopped in front of Shangguan Shaoheng and stared at Shui Xuan'er fiercely. "Shaoheng, it's because of her, isn't it, it's because of her...if it's not her, you It won't do this to me."

Liu Qiao is not reconciled. She has worked so hard for so long, how could she be so good, and she is a smart person, she knows that she can only get more benefits with Shangguan and less balance. No one will say no.

She also wanted to be the young grandmother of the Shangguan family. Only when she became the young grandmother of the Shangguan family would her status be stable.

Of course, what she wanted was never the status of the acting circle. She wanted the position of the young grandmother in the Shangguan family. With this position, she had the power. She said acting in acting circles, acting, or not acting.

The younger grandmother of the Shangguan family has the right, she knows it herself.

She was still thinking, let Shui Xuan'er leave.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at Liu Qiaolian, and his eyes flashed with fierce murderousness. He knew that Liu Qiaoli was probably the ancient Ouyang Lian, so he moved, but now that he is modern, he can’t just casually Then he murdered, let alone, Liu Qiaoli and his mother did have a relationship.

If Liu Qiaolian really died, his mother would be sad, so he was restraining his emotions.

But this does not mean that he allows anyone to say that Shui Xuan'er is not good.

The cold light flashed in the eyes of Shangguan Shaoheng, saying: "Liu Qiaoli, Xuan'er is my wife and my grandmother in the Shangguan family. No one should be disrespectful to her. If you can't remember, leave Hengyao Group, our company Artists who don’t have blind eyes."

Hearing this sentence, and then looking at the murderousness of Shangguan Shaoheng's eyes, Liu Qiao almost fainted.

She couldn't believe it, and she couldn't believe how Shangguan Shaoheng treated her like this.

Once, he gave all the company's resources to her, and once, what she did, he protected.

"You weren't like this before. You used to protect me. You said you didn't have any feelings for her. You said you would make the princess retreat."

Hearing this sentence, Shangguan Shaoheng jumped up his forehead with green muscles. He finally caught Shui Xuan'er beside him, how could anyone allow anyone to destroy it.

Shangguan Shaoheng made a phone call directly, letting people take Liu Qiaoli away.

"You can't do this to me, ah..."

Shangguan Shaoheng said coldly: "Don't provoke my patience!"

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