Shangguan Shaoheng looked down at Shui Xuan'er and could see the distressed light at the bottom of her eyes. His heart was unbelievably soft.

Shangguan Shaoheng touched Shui Xuan'er's hair and shook his head and said, "It's okay, the rest is good."

Shangguan Shaoheng didn't sleep much all night, he was worried that Shui Xuan'er was angry.

Only he knew how much he cared about Shui Xuan'er, but he didn't want Shui Xuan'er to worry.

Shui Xuan'er reached out and caressed Shangguan Shaoheng's eyebrows, and touched it lightly, feeling distressed, "You must be lying, you must not have a good rest."

After a pause, Shui Xuan'er said, "You said, do you have any concerns?"

Without those ancient memories, Shui Xuan'er may not be able to see Shangguan Shaoheng's inner emotions.

But because of the memories of ancient times, which is equivalent to the memories of getting along with each other for decades, she can naturally see his inner emotions through the small expressions and expressions of Shangguan Shaoheng.

She felt that he must have something in mind.

Shangguan Shaoheng sighed at Xuan'er's stubborn eyes, and he knew that nothing could hide her.

She would be angry if she didn't say anything without telling her.

Shui Xuan'er's temperament, he also understands.

Shangguan Shaoheng was silent for a while and said, "Come back yesterday, worrying you are angry."

"I'm angry?"

Shui Xuan'er was stunned, was she angry?

She actually slept for a while and almost forgot. It reminded me of this. She was really angry. "You used to look at me like that and said me?"

Shangguan Shaoheng naturally understood that Shui Xuan'er was referring to the words that Liu Qiaoli said.

Shangguan Shaoheng would not lie in front of Shui Xuan'er, he didn't want to lie to her, he said: "Xuan'er, I'm sorry, I used to be bad, I didn't understand you, I didn't touch you, I also No previous memories..."

Speaking of which, Shangguan Shaoheng looked nervously at Shui Xuan'er. He was really nervous.

He hugged Shui Xuan'er's waist firmly and fixed her firmly in his arms.

Looking at Shui Xuan'er's slightly white complexion, Shangguan Shaoheng hurriedly continued: "Xuan'er, you can call me or scold me, just don't be mad at me."

Seeing Shangguan Shaoheng look like this, Shui Xuan'er was also reluctant to get angry. After taking a nap, people calmed down and became less angry.

Besides, it seems that Shangguan Shaoheng cares about her now.

"You clearly know that I am reluctant to beat you and scold you."

"Xuan'er, what do you say will not be angry, I will do it."

Shui Xuan'er looked at Shangguan Shaoheng's serious look, and had some feelings in her heart. Once the precious and elegant Shangguan Shaoheng did this for her now, she was already very satisfied. He did a lot for her and paid a lot. Even in ancient times, for her, they could not kill their lives.

She all knows.

"I'm not angry anymore, don't be nervous."

Speaking of this, Shui Xuan'er smiled brightly at Shangguan Shaoheng, and then actively kissed the corner of his lips to express her feelings.

There is such a deep feeling in my heart, how can I be angry and how to make the other party unhappy.

And now they are the equivalent of a new life, she should cherish everything.

Shangguan Shaoheng listened to Shui Xuan'er's words, looked at her expression, bowed her head excitedly and kissed her lips.

The deep emotions were unstoppable, and the two people's affection continued in the morning.

When Shui Xuan'er gasped slightly, he said, " didn't sleep well last night."

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