Su Xianghui's face was pale, and she was really worried about Lou Wenmao.

Lou Wenmao seemed to feel Su Xianghui's stiffness. He whispered softly in her ear: "Don't be afraid, I won't let anyone hurt you."

In such a dangerous situation, Su Xianghui's heart jumped and jumped a few times when she suddenly heard such a sentence. She felt that her heart seemed to be touched by something, what was different.

She leaned in Lou Wenmao's arms and she felt a sense of trust and dependence.

Su Xianghui's body softened and said, "Well, I'm not afraid of you."

When Su Xianghui said this, her voice was also very firm, with unparalleled trust in Lou Wenmao.

Lou Wenmao embraced Su Xianghui's hand, his arm pressed hard, and soon, he had no time to be distracted and started to fight.


The sound of "Bumping..." kept on.

Su Xianghui can also smell the **** smell outside.

She tried to calm herself down. She could not distract Lou Wenmao from the enemy.

I don't know how long it has passed, the wind is not so strong, Su Xianghui feels that the killers seem to be solved.

At this time, Lou Wenmao only slightly released Su Xianghui. He looked down at Su Xianghui and said softly: "It's alright, don't be afraid, are you okay?"

Su Xianghui nodded slightly stiffly, then slowly recovered, "Wen Mao, don't worry, I'm fine."

Lou Wenmao looked at Su Xianghui's look through the moonlight, making sure she was fine, so she was relieved.

I have to say that Su Xianghui is really brave. If you change to another girl, she would be terrified.

Bloody killing is something that many girls are afraid of.

Lou Wenmao stretched his hand to cover Su Xianghui's eyes and said, "Xianghui, don't look, it'll be fine for a while."

This is the first time Su Xianghui listened to Lou Wenmao calling her Xianghui, her voice was low and mellow, and she was particularly pleasant.

Her heart jumped with Lou, and she nodded instinctively, "Okay."

Watching Su Xianghui close her eyes, Lou Wenmao took out the fossils and scattered all the dead bodies.

There was nothing but a slight **** smell in the air.

"Xianghui, you can open your eyes."

Su Xianghui looked at nothing in the courtyard, almost doubting that there was really no assassination.

But in fact the **** smell in the air has already explained everything.

This fight was unilaterally controlled by Lou Wenmao, and did not disturb Su Mu who was sleeping in the house.

Su Xianghui remembered the danger just now, and her heartbeat was a little fast, which made her breath out for a long time.

She never expected that Lou Wenmao's martial arts were so strong, he could solve all those people while protecting her, and it didn't seem to take much time.

At this time, Su Xianghui realized Lou Wenmao's mystery and strength, maybe his identity was really not her prying eyes.

Lou Wenmao walked to Su Xianghui and looked at her deeply: "Xianghui, I'm sorry, I was hiding your identity and scared you."

Su Xianghui shook her head, "No, I know your identity is not simple. I saved you before because I was saved, not because of other status. If your identity is inconvenient to say, I won't ask, I believe you want to tell me I will definitely tell me...but those people seem to kill you."

Thinking of the assassination just now, Lou Wenmao's eyes flashed a dark light, "Don't worry, I will solve these."

Su Xianghui nodded, and looked at each other for a while.

Lou Wenmao looked at the silent Su Xianghui, sighed in his heart, and then released a signal flare.

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