The reason why Su Xianghui did this was because he thought of Lou Wenmao's life experience and felt that he should now need money.

In fact, Su Xianghui was also concerned about chaos. At this time, her thinking was not particularly clear. She did not think about it carefully. How can the palace master who can summon the four major law protectors lack money?

Lou Wenmao looked at Su Xianghui's serious and persistent look, his mouth slightly raised, "Okay, I'm holding it."

Lou Wenmao and Su Xianghui during this time, also know some characters of this girl.

Lou Wenmao seemed to think of something: "Don't lose weight in the future, it will be too thin if you lose weight."

Recently, in addition to making money with her mother, Su Xianghui is running to lose weight on weekdays.

She is also in control of her diet and she is very thin.

Through this, Lou Wenmao can see that she is a person who can stick to perseverance.

Lou Wenmao also explained that Su Xianghui was strange, and Su Xianghui also remembered them one by one.

When Lou Wenmao's volley disappeared into the air, Su Xianghui stared at it, just like he used light power, it was really cool.

It turned out to be light merit, light merit in the novel.

Su Xianghui stood there for a long time, and she didn't move until her body became stiff and numb, and her heart finally hurt.

But looking at the four law-enforcements, her mood was better, at least she was still in contact with him, and still related.

In the future, she can know whether Lou Wenmao is safe through these four people.

Su Xianghui's heart was a little empty. She covered her heart and took a few deep breaths to feel better.

She let the four guardians rest in the next room. The four said no, but Su Xianghui insisted that the four could only obey.

The palace owner asked them to protect Miss Su, but also to listen to Miss Su.

However, they will be more vigilant at night. They will appear whenever there is any movement, and they will definitely protect Miss Su’s safety.

Su Xianghui returned to her own house, but she was not sleepy at all.

At this time she thought of what Lou Wenmao explained, what he said.

Then she went under the bed and found a bag with ten silver tickets in the top two, which added up to tens of thousands.

Looking at these, Su Xianghui's face changed.

Her hand held the silver ticket tightly.

She remembered that Lou Wenmao said that the contents of the bag under the bed were left to her. He also said that when she ran out, he would almost return.

Su Xianghui jumped with heart.

She put the silver ticket in the position of her heart, and silently read Lou Wenmao's name.

With light in his eyes.

This fool, he left it to her deliberately. He said that deliberately because he was worried that she would not use the money.

She thought silly that he needed money and gave him dozens or two of her savings.

Thinking of this, Su Xianghui was blushing and ashamed.

However, her heart was warm.

She thought, he must have her in his heart.

Holding the silver ticket, Su Xianghui fell asleep slowly.

The next day, when Su Mu woke up, she didn't see Lou Wenmao. When asked, Su Xianghui said the general thing.

Mother Su sighed: "Actually, I knew from the beginning that this child is not an ordinary person, that person's extravagance is not everyone's, temperament is not the same, and he walks very briskly. It looks like martial arts, but I didn't expect him to be a man of rivers and lakes."

In fact, Su Mu also treated Lou Wenmao as a child. This suddenly disappeared, and she still felt sad.

"Mother, I believe he will be back."

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