When Su Xianghui asked this sentence, she could clearly feel that Lou Wenmao's body was stiff.

Su Xianghui's eyes flickered, and she bit her lip. Somehow, she was a little worried, perhaps worried about Lou Wenmao, or something else.

She couldn't tell.

Lou Wenmao did not speak, and Su Xianghui's body also stiffened, unable to relax completely.

Lou Wenmao is attentive, how can't see the strange.

He sighed: "She is Master's daughter, and I shut her up for people to watch."

Su Xianghui's face changed, female?

Su Xianghui couldn't lie down, she suddenly got up from Lou Wenmao's arms, she sat up and looked at Lou Wenmao said: "You said, what is your relationship with her?"

Su Xianghui didn't realize that when she said this, she always had a strong vinegar smell.

Lou Wenmao also followed, he firmly held Su Xianghui's hand, nervously said: "Xianghui, you listen to me explain."

Su Xianghui grunted and said nothing.

Lou Wenmao sighed: "I was raised by the Master. The Master has kindness to me. Before the Master died, he booked a relationship with my sister. The Master finally handed the blood to the palace. My sister was very angry. Some people with the blood killing palace betrayed me. She grew up when I watched it. I didn’t defend her, so I was injured and almost died. If not a few subordinates would protect me from the blood killing palace, Maybe I won’t even hang in one breath, and later I met you, and you saved me."

Su Xianghui listened to these words, and it was uncomfortable. "So your sister is the person you like. No wonder you are so unhappy after you wake up and come back to life."

When saying this, Su Xianghui was also very uncomfortable in her heart. She never knew that Lou Wenmao still had a past.

As he said, tears came from Su Xianghui's eyes.

She was uncomfortable, she couldn't control her tears, her eyes were sore

Seeing Su Xianghui crying, Lou Wenmao panicked.

Lou Wenmao extended his slender, jade-like hand and gently wiped away the tears for Su Xianghui, "Don't cry, don't cry... Listen to me, the person I like is not a sister, it's you."

Lou Wenmao anxiously relieved Su Xianghui, and anxiously spoke his heart directly.

Su Xianghui heard this, and her heart jumped. She opened her eyes wide and stared at Lou Wenmao, forgetting to cry and forgetting to react.

Lou Wenmao looked at Su Xianghui distressedly and wiped her tears a little bit softly.

Su Xianghui blinked her eyelashes, "Lou Wenmao, is what you just said true?"

Lou Wenmao felt that Su Xianghui's thinking was very jumpy, and he didn't react at all.

Su Xianghui was close to Lou Wenmao, carefully watching his eyes, "You just said that you like me, is it true?"

Looking at Su Xianghui's close face and her moving eyes, Lou Wenmao's throat rolled down and said hoarsely: "It's true!"

Su Xianghui heard this answer and smiled. She hugged Lou Wenmao's neck excitedly and kissed him actively.

At this moment, Lou Wenmao's breath suffocated.

Lou Wenmao's eyes darkened, hugged Su Xianghui, and directly opposed the guests.

A long, lingering kiss made Su Xianghui unable to breathe.

Finally, when she really couldn't breathe, Lou Wenmao let her go gently.

Su Xianghui leaned on Lou Wenmao's arms and breathed heavily.

She didn't know that Lou Wenmao still had such a warm side.

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