For Su Xianghui, if Lou Wenmao did not ask her this question, perhaps she would not think about it.

Now suddenly listening to Lou Wenmao's question, she began to think about this question.

Do you want to go back?

When she first came to this era, she wanted to go back. She missed everything in modern times. She has a computer and a mobile phone, and she can read novels and play.

She even missed sitting in the classroom for classes and self-study.

It reminds her of campus and youth.

But long after she came to this world, she knew that she had traversed for the time being, she might not be able to go back for a while, or maybe it was really in this ancient time.

In fact, she later had different feelings about the world because she met Lou Wenmao.

He made her feel better.

Lou Wenmao kept watching Su Xianghui not talking, and knew that she wanted to go back. His heart hurt a little. When he held Su Xianghui, he tightened up.

He wanted to tell her that it would be nice for her to stay for him.

He wanted to say that he treated her well and let her stay for him.

But he clearly thought this way. If he wanted to speak, it seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

Su Xianghui was stunned, and suddenly felt the strength of the hug, she said: "Wen Mao, I don't want to lie to you that I don't want to go back to that world. In the world I used to have computers and mobile phones, I can read novels, You can go to school, there are a lot of fun things... But because this world has you, I also care about this world, so I think, if you come, you will be at ease."

Can I hear Su Xianghui say this, Lou Wenmao's heart can finally feel better.

"Huier, stay, I can't live without you."

This was the first time Lou Wenmao said this straightforwardly, which made her heart tremble fiercely.

Her heart softened as well, and she hugged Lou Wenmao back, "Okay, but you have to treat me well."

Lou Wenmao heard this sentence, his eyes were a little red, he kissed Su Xianghui's heart deeply, and her hair was held by her chin. "Well, it's good to you."

He wished he could take his heart out to her.

Sometimes the feelings are like this, inadvertently, it is very deep.

He didn't even understand it, when did it start so deep.

Lou Wenmao was excited, bowed his head to kiss Su Xianghui's lips, and kissed deeply.

The heat on him also became hot.

Between lips and teeth, Su Xianghui's breath also rushed.

I don't know when, the two have fallen on the bed.

Lou Wenmao's kiss was affectionate and eager, a little bit down.

Su Xianghui was confused and gasped violently, seeming to forget everything.

The warmth of Lou Wenmao's body reached Su Xianghui. Su Xianghui experienced this posture and began to shout Lou Wenmao's name, "Wen Mao, Wen Mao..."

The more Su Xianghui shouted his name softly, the more Lou Wenmao got out of control.

Lou Wenmao has only one idea, that is, to make Su Xianghui really belong to him.

In this world, Su Xianghui is actually confused, and because of Lou Wenmao, she has a direction.

She was attached to Lou Wenmao from the bone, so she didn't let go of holding him.

Her arms are tight.

When he was about to lose control, Lou Wenmao stopped and looked at Su Xianghui deeply, "Huier, do you want to?"

Lou Wenmao didn't want to be so early, but he was too nervous Su Xianghui.

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