When Su Xianghui looked up at Lou Wenmao, her eyes were full of light, with a bright and bright light.

"So you are so careful!"

"So careful for you."

Hearing Lou Wenmao's words, Su Xianghui's mouth kept rising, and she felt very sweet and warm in her heart.

The two people looked at each other with strong emotions in their eyes. The eyes were glued together, and they wished to put the other person on the tip of the heart.

Just when the two of you were innocent, breakfast arrived.

Lou Wenmao and Su Xianghui had breakfast in the house.

Su Xianghui felt that since Lou Wenmao knew that she was not a person in this world, she could also tell him everything about that world.

Therefore, when eating, Lou Wenmao was taking care of Su Xianghui for dinner, and Su Xianghui was talking to Lou Wenmao about many things in the world.

Lou Wenmao listened attentively, maybe he wanted to know more about everything related to Su Xianghui.

He could see that when Su Xianghui said this, his eyes were all bright.

Such Su Xianghui is vivid and beautiful. When Lou Wenmao looked at it, he couldn't move his eyes.

At the same time, Lou Wenmao was sour in his heart. Even if the world was beautiful, Su Xianghui missed it so much, he wanted to keep her privately.

Su Xianghui said, feeling Lou Wenmao's eyes were not right, she reached out and took his hand, "What's wrong with you, don't you like to listen to me say this?"

Lou Wenmao shook his head and took hold of Su Xianghui's hand, "Fool, no, I like what you say."

Lou Wenmao said this sincerely.

Listening to Su Xianghui's voice and watching her beside him, his heart was content.

Su Xianghui's eyes on Wen Mao who went upstairs, and seeing the light in his eyes, she seemed to understand something at once.

Su Xianghui turned her eyes, and then began to change the subject, talking about some of the mood she passed over.

"You don't know, I was picking things shiningly at that time. When it was thundering and raining, my feet almost stepped on the air, and then I met you. You said it was a coincidence. I didn't want to save people, but walked back When I was not at ease, I wanted to see if you were still angry, to save you... But you opened your eyes, do you know what I was thinking at that time?"

Lou Wenmao listened to Su Xianghui's words, and his attention was diverted.

He naturally thought of what he was like back then. At that time, he actually had no will to survive, but he seemed to feel that there was someone around him, and he opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he also met a pair of bright and moving eyes.

For Lou Wenmao, such eyes are also very charming.

Su Xianghui looked at Lou Wenmao somewhat distracted, and grumbled a little unhappy, she poked Lou Wenmao's palm with her finger, "You are not thinking about anything."

"I miss you!"

In a word, Su Xianghui's mood instantly improved.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help rising, "Hurry up and guess what I was thinking?"

"Can't guess, you tell me."

Su Xianghui blinked and said, "I thought, with such a beautiful pair of eyes, it would be a pity if I die, so I want to save you."

"Huier, thank you for saving me and allowing me to be reborn."

"Don't say thank you, thank you. I'm very happy to save you and make me feel that this world is beautiful."

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