Su Xianghui was so confused that she couldn't see the scene in front of her. When she fainted, she seemed to hear an exclamation in her ear.

"Huier, Huier..."

It seems that Lou Wenmao is calling her.

Lou Wenmao's voice sounded hoarse and choked with pain.

Su Xianghui listened, her heart hurt, and her heart was shaking.

She wanted to open her eyes to talk to Lou Wenmao, but she was so painful that she had no strength and could not open her eyes at all.

She wanted to call Lou Wenmao's name with her mouth, but she was too tired to speak.

Confused, Su Xianghui felt a voice in her ear calling her.

"Huier Huier..."

Because of this voice, she could not really fall asleep.

When she was going to sleep, she would wake up a little subconsciously.

I don't know how long it took, Su Xianghui suddenly felt like she could see everything.

She saw a room with a woman lying on the bed and a man sitting beside the bed.

The man seemed to be talking to the woman, his voice was hoarse and hoarse, with pain.

She didn't quite understand what was being said, but when she heard the faint voice, she felt her heart hurt.

At this time, there was a light behind her. She turned to look at the past. The light seemed to be another world, her modern world.

Su Xianghui lost her way in the light.

As she walked towards the light, she heard someone in her ear calling her, "Huier, Huier..."

A loud cry made her very hurt.

My body seemed to be stiff, and I couldn't move at all.

Who is calling her name?
At this moment, a light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of her, a fat woman.

Su Xianghui looked at the woman only to feel familiar.

Suddenly she seemed to think of something. Isn't this the way she was after crossing?

"You... are you Su Xianghui?"

The woman looked at Su Xianghui with a smile and said, "Actually, you are Su Xianghui too. You and he were supposed to meet each other in this world, so you came to this world, go, he is waiting for you."

"But...but my parents, my relatives and friends are in another world."

"If you go back, what will he do, have you thought about it?"

Su Xianghui looked down at the man beside the bed. At first glance, she realized that this was Lou Wenmao, then...the person lying on the bed was her?

At this moment, Su Xianghui thought intermittently in his mind.

She also remembered the scene before going to sleep, she seemed to be stabbed.

"I'm not dead?"

"With him, how can he be willing to let you die."

Su Xianghui looked at Lou Wenmao, tears in her eyes, she felt distressed and distressed Lou Wenmao.

She wanted to stay in this world selfishly, because this world has Lou Wenmao who loves her so much, what if he goes back?

Su Xianghui looked at Lou Wenmao, but he was distressed, and his tears fell.

When Su Xianghui shed tears, she also shed tears on the bed.

Lou Wenmao has been staying by Su Xianghui's bed, watching her tears, and the whole body is shocked, "Huier, you... can you hear what I said? Huier..."

Lou Wenmao's voice was not hoarse and hoarse, he hadn't spoken and had no rest, and his clothes were undressed, and he was extremely exhausted.

The voice is dumb.

Lou Wenmao carefully wiped tears to Su Xianghui.

Su Xianghui looked at it, her heart and mouth were painful, she couldn't bear to see him sad, she couldn't bear to see him like this, she wanted to tell him that she was still alive, she was fine.

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