Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 6370: Blood Killing the Mistress of the Palace

Su Xianghui leaned on Lou Wenmao's arms, almost daring not to move.

She knew that Lou Wenmao had not rested well and had a good sleep for many days.

Even if she let him sleep well, he would still sleep.

Now that she is in good health, he can really sleep soundly.

Of course, he must also hug her to sleep.

She also knew that Lou Wenmao was nervous about her.

She could feel his concern and care.

She also knew that when she turned over at night and there was a movement, he would wake up and would worry about asking her if she wanted to drink water to eat, would she want to wake up at night?

Su Xianghui felt that holding him like this would affect his sleep, thinking of not sleeping, but Lou Wenmao insisted on holding her.

If you don't hold it, you can't fall asleep at all.

So still hold.

Su Xianghui leaned on Lou Wenmao's arms and gradually relaxed and fell asleep.

She is now pregnant with children, she is also prone to lethargy, and sleeps for a long time every day.

But in Lou Wenmao's arms, she also slept peacefully.

She is not very depressed during pregnancy, because she can see the strong emotion in Lou Wenmao's eyes every day, and can feel his love and tension care.

Because she can feel strong love, she is very secure and does not think about it.

After Su Xianghui didn't matter, Lou Wenmao took Su Xianghui back to the palace.

After all, there is Lou Wenmao's site, and the surrounding layers of shadow guard handles will not leave Su Xianghui in any danger.

Su Xianghui happened to want to go to the blood to kill palace to see, so soon, they set off.

On the way, Lou Wenmao was also dedicated to taking care of Su Xianghui and let the carriage go slowly.

Soon, a group of people came to the Blood Kill Palace. The Blood Kill Palace was located on the mountainside half way up the peak. The scenery was beautiful, the mountains were green, and the air was particularly fresh.

After crossing the formation, hundreds of people in black kneeled down respectfully, "Congratulations to the palace master!"

Seeing such a momentum, Su Xianghui was shocked.

This is the real martial arts force, but it is not a TV series or a novel, but it really exists.

That kind of killing momentum rises to the sky.

Su Xianghui froze for a moment, only to feel that the blood on her body was boiling.

Su Xianghui is really excited.

Lou Wenmao embraced Su Xianghui and said to everyone: "In the future she will be the hostess of the Blood Killing Palace. Her words are like mine."


Everyone unanimously gave a respectful response, and then everyone said in unison: "Welcome Madam!"

The arc of Su Xianghui's mouth kept rising, her eyebrows curved, all with a bright and brilliant light.

She has a feeling at this time. She is the eldest sister of the rivers and lakes. Later, she can walk sideways on the rivers and lakes.

If possible, Su Xianghui wanted to laugh a few times.

But for the sake of image, she refrained.

Lou Wenmao can naturally see that Su Xianghui is very happy.

Feeling that Su Xianghui was very happy, Lou Wenmao's mood was naturally very good. He waved his hands to make everyone retreat first, and he took Su Xianghui towards the main hall.

Su Xianghui looked at the building of the main hall and was a little amazed, more majestic than the building of the palace.

This mountain is very large, and many buildings have been built on the mountainside. Even the valley is full of blood-killing palace sites.

Along the way, Lou Wenmao explained to Su Xianghui that there were tens of thousands of people in the blood-slaying palace, all scattered outside, and the hundreds of people who had just seen outside the main hall.

Su Xianghui listened carefully and had to sigh with emotion, the power of blood killing palace.

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