Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 6392: She wants to be a good mother

Nan Jiateng was also shocked all over his body. He looked at the tea and poured his eyes deep.

But he found that Tea Qingluo's eyes at this time were so serious, so serious and clear, and with a persistent eye.

Nan Jiateng's heart shivered fiercely, and he knew that Cha Qingluo was serious.

He and Cha Qingluo have been together for so long, her eyes and her look, he can naturally see what she is thinking.

So at this time she said this sentence, he knew she was extremely serious, but also with a trace of expectations and perseverance.

She was looking at him, as if waiting for him to answer, waiting for him to speak.

Nan Jiateng's body is tight.

He likes children, and he is ready to be a father.

From the day he married Cha Qingluo home, he was prepared in his heart, and he thought he would take on the responsibility of his father. Of course, first of all, he had to take care of his wife before his Qingluo could.

Although he had an idea in his heart, he always took measures with Cha Qingluo.

After all, he is still young and he wants her to enjoy some more life.

He thought she was very young and hadn't thought about having children.

Cha Qingluo is not on a whim, she really likes children, and she thinks about it too.

In fact, she thought about it from a very early time, but she didn't know what Nan Jiateng thought, so she never said it.

Moreover, when Nan Jiateng was busy working outside, she was bored and deserted when she was at home.

Today, the Nan family is not like the university campus. The university is lively and lively, and there are classes on weekdays. Sometimes when walking on the campus, there are many classmates, people are coming and going, very lively.

But now, she is guarding Nan Jiateng every day. When Nan Jiateng is not at home, she feels too deserted.

She felt that having children would make it more lively.

And she had no mother since she was a child. She was eager to have her own home. She wanted her to be a good mother.

Cha Qingluo always looked at Nan Jiateng seriously. She had deep eyes on Shang Nan Jiateng, and she didn't know what he was thinking.

After a pause, Cha Qingluo said, "Jia Teng, what do you... what do you think, do you... don't you like children?"

Nan Jiateng rolled his throat and said, "Like."

When he said this, Nan Jiateng's voice was a little hoarse. In fact, he was a little excited in his heart. His heart was surging with waves, and he seemed to drown him.

"Then why don't you talk?"

Nan Jiateng reached out and hugged the tea into his arms, said hoarsely: "I am very excited at this time, but Qingluo, you are still young, you are only twenty-two, do you want a child?" Cha Qingluo Listening to Nan Jiateng's words, her heart is sweet, she knows that Nan Jiateng is considering for her, considering her thoughts.

"Well, I think about it. Although I am sometimes careless, I am still very careful. I can cook and do housework, and I can take care of people. I believe I can take care of the children."

"There are servants at home, and I will arrange people to take care of the children. It will not make you very hard."

Hearing this, Cha Qingluo's eyes lit up, "Nan Jiateng, did you agree, did you agree?"

"I always promised, but I love you."

"Distressed me, we will have children!"

Said, the tea Qingluo's voice is cheerful, the voice is very crisp, the eyes are bright.

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