In the face of such a strong Nanjiateng, Cha Qingluo really can't hold back.

Cha Qingluo felt that the flames in her body were lit by Nan Jiateng, and she couldn't help but make a soft voice.

Even if Cha Qingluo was weak and weak at this time, she hurriedly embraced Nan Jiateng.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's haze, and the dark light in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

Only she can make him runaway.

On weekdays, this girl is very carefree, but there is no certainty, but at this time, she is charming and terrible, especially those eyes are looking at him, beautiful and moving.

He almost couldn't control himself.

Nan Jiateng was also forbearing, and his forehead sweated out in a fine sweat.

But at this time, he was still igniting with tea.

Nan Jiateng's fingers seemed to be magical, as if playing the piano, and Cha Qingluo seemed to be a string, dancing with his fingers.

Cha Qingluo felt that she was about to explode, and her mind was blank. She couldn't help shouting Nan Jiateng's name, "Jia... Teng..."

Nan Jiateng did not feel well at this time. His whole body was hot too, as if there were beasts clamoring in his body.

He looked at the man in his arms and hugged her hard, hoping to crush her, crumple it cruelly, and make it into water.

Nan Jiateng looks cold and cold on weekdays. Only at this time, he will become completely different from ordinary days. He will have a fiery breath and wrap the tea completely.

When he is passionate, he is also strong.

Nan Jiateng felt the strong emotion of Cha Qingluo, she seemed unable to bear it before he took her apart.

Cha Qingluo felt that she had been dismantled several times, and then her throat was dumb, because she was so excited that she burst into tears.

Later, she was held by Nan Jiateng. She sweated all over her body. She sweated her hair and her fingers were weak.

He fell into a sleepy dizzy, and Nan Jiateng took her to clean up before going to bed.

After Cha Qingluo was held in Nan Jiateng's arms, she secretly relieved her breath and could sleep.

She was disassembled just now, disassembled several times, all kinds of unspeakable unlock...

She did beg for mercy later, but it was useless to beg for mercy.

Even if Cha Qingluo understood, what Nan Jiateng meant at night.

Nan Jiateng contentedly kissed Cha Qingluo's forehead and hugged her to sleep.

The girl didn't even know what it meant to make him angry.

She did not move her for more than half a month, she really thought he was Liu Xiahui.

It's just caring about her body, not willing to tired her.

He also wanted to let her nourish her body and nourish her stomach.

It was really scared that day when she saw her hurt like that.

He was even a little bit afraid, he must not allow his dill to be in any more condition, she must be in good health.

Nan Jiateng touched Cha Qingluo's hair and was very loving.

"Sleep, sleep..."

Cha Qingluo murmured this sentence even if he didn't have the energy to speak.

But because he just screamed, his voice was dumb.

Nan Jiateng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Oh, sleep."

A good night's sleep, and the next day Cha Qingluo woke up until noon.

After waking up, her head still hurt.

At lunch, Cha Qingluo quietly went to see Nan Jiateng's look.

Nan Jiateng's eyes looked deeply at Cha Qingluo with a playful light.

Cha Qingluo turned his eyes on Shangnan Jiateng, and his face flushed red.

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