Liu Ningning didn't know what to say, "Maybe I don't understand too, but do you really think about it?"

"Well, think about it, Nan Jiateng said, I will not take care of the children, he will help take care, anyway, taking care of one is also taking care of, and taking care of two is also taking care of."


Cha Qingluo was embarrassed and said: "He said that taking care of me is the same as taking care of children."

Liu Ningning couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, and all laughed out loud.

In fact, Cha Qingluo was a little embarrassed when he just said this sentence, but university roommates are all good friends and sisters. They have known her temperament for so long, and she has no embarrassment to say.

"No, it's not funny, I didn't think that Nan Senior would say such a sentence."

"Actually, I take care of him on weekdays, and I cook."

"Well, it seems that Master Nan really spoiled you, and it's actually nice to be spoiled as a girl."

Cha Qingluo sighed: "It just feels that sometimes he will control me."

"He's in charge of you, it's also for your own good. You have some habits to change. It's really good, such as overeating. Sometimes it's not good for the stomach. In fact, sometimes, you will be willing to listen to him, which is also a very good thing."

Liu Ningning was also sincerely pouring tea for tea, so he said this.

Cha Qingluo nodded, "I understand this truth, and I don't know why. In front of him, I want to make trouble, want to be coquettish, wanton, and want to see how he likes me to distress me. At that time, I felt very sweet ..."

That is to say, with a good friend, Cha Qingluo will be willing to say what he has in mind.

"Well, I understand."

Liu Ningning thought of what she looked like in front of Luo Yanxiao, even if she told herself to be sensible and calm, but often she was very sweet when she was spoiled by Luo Yanxiao.

After chatting, the two said a lot.

Cha Qingluo found that speaking in this way would make her feel a lot happier.

Suddenly something seemed to come to mind, Cha Qingluo said, "Yes, Ning Ning, do you know Yang Manqin's news?"

When Liu Ningning suddenly heard the name, he felt very far away, that is, when he was a freshman, Yang Manqin would still be in the school and occasionally appeared in the dormitory. After that, there was almost no news of Yang Manqin.

"She is your master. She cares most about you on weekdays. She didn't show up and didn't contact you?"

Cha Qingluo shook his head, "No, it's turned off when making a call."

Liu Ningning frowned for a moment and said, "Will Yang Manqin show something wrong, so she doesn't show up? Is her body okay? Otherwise, the phone will be turned off. Did the Yang family say anything?" Didn’t Nan Senior have a sweetheart with her? No news?"

"This is where I find it strange. Nan Jiateng does not want me to see Yang Manqin. Is he jealous?"

Liu Ningning thought for a while: "Qingluo, I think that Senior Nan is not someone who is jealous for no reason, and that person is still Yang Manqin. It’s really nothing to visit. Will Nan Senior know what it is, it is not convenient to tell You, why don't you let you go to Yang's?

Upon hearing Liu Ningning say this, Cha Qingluo seemed to understand something at once.

She thought thoughtfully: "I'll ask him again when I look back."

The two of them stopped talking about this and started talking about other topics. When shopping, when they saw beautiful clothes, they also tried on them.

When the two tried on their clothes, they suddenly heard someone talking about the Yang family.

When Cha Qingluo listened, he quickly stopped his movements to listen.

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