Bai Yuexi is also thinking about some things.

In the future, Amo will sit in that position, and it will not be easy to sit in that position.

Bai Yuexi is also thinking of making Baifu's forces become Amo's help in the future.

So she also thought that when Amo went to Nanyun Academy to study, she developed power in Baifu.

In fact, Bai Yuexi's innermost considerations are mainly about Amo.

Only these thoughts, Bai Yuexi could not tell Amo.

And Amo will not understand.

At this time, Amo had been holding Bai Yuexi's finger. Bai Yuexi did not speak, and Amo was in a panic.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi deeply. After a long time, his eyes were red.

Bai Yuexi was immersed in her thoughts, and did not notice much about Amo's mood changes at this time.

When she felt that something was not right, she looked up to see Amo, just meeting Amo's red eyes.

For the eyes like Shang Amo, Bai Yuexi's heart shivered.

He jumped out of control.

"Amo, you... what's wrong with you, do you have anything to tell me? Don't worry, I will prepare the recommendation letter for you, and you don't have to worry about the entrance exam."

When Bai Yuexi was going to let Amo go to Nanyun Academy to study, he asked Yingwei to go over there to collect real questions over the years.

The real questions of each entrance examination will not be disclosed.

But the real questions over the years are all past exam questions, and Bai Yuexi can still get them.

When the time comes, give Amo a pre-test sprint training, and use Amo's knowledge to be able to get a good grade.

Bai Yuexi intends to let Amo get a good grade.

When Amo enters Nanshan College, she will be respected.

In fact, Bai Yuexi also inquired about some customs and habits in Nanyun Academy.

In fact, in which era, Xueba is popular!

What Bai Yuexi can think of for Amo is also for Amo.

She still remembers that when she read the book before, it was written that Amo was only 16 years old to enter the college.

At that time, Amo had a lot of hardships. When he entered, he was also partial. His grades were not very good. At first he was excluded from his classmates. Later, he proved himself by his own strength.

Bai Yuexi remembers the contents of the book, but does not want to make Amo suffer.

She wants Amo to be respected from the beginning.

When thinking of helping Amo, Bai Yuexi is full of blood.

It was as if she had returned to school.

A Mo looked down at Bai Yuexi and said: "Miss, if I can't see the lady when I go to the academy, I will miss the lady and it will be uncomfortable."

To say this, Amo said the truth.

He used to say a lot in his heart before.

Do not know why at this time, he wanted to tell the lady.

Hearing Amo's words, Bai Yuexi's heart throbbed, and she didn't know why, her nose was sour.

"Amo, you can rest assured that I will let you see me often, and I will miss Amo too."

"But Amo was worried, and worried that she wouldn't see Miss for a long time, and she would forget Amo."

Amo is really flustered, and he is very flustered, he will be afraid.

He doesn't have enough strength yet, so he will have a lot of worry.

Bai Yuexi can feel Amo's insecurity at this time.

She didn't know how to bring Amo a sense of security in her own way.

Bai Yuexi thought for a while, or was he determined to go to Nanyun Academy?

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