When Amo was very young, he had stayed in Huadu. He walked around and arrived at Baiyue City in Baiyue Prefecture before he entered Baifu.

Even though he was young at that time, he was once displaced, so he has been smart and intelligent since he was a child and knows how to observe the surrounding environment.

So he knew something about China at that time.

After coming to Baifu, he read various books in Baifu study.

Amo reads books very quickly and has the ability to remember, so even if the study room in Baifu is really large and contains a lot of books, it is almost all-encompassing. Amo has also read useful books for more than half.

Now the wisdom in his mind, coupled with his cleverness, many things come out after analysis.

A Mo Ben is a person with deep thoughts, so something deeper is easier to analyze.

He made these preparations, also thinking that he can help Bai Yuexi at a critical time.

He also wanted to be able to protect Bai Yuexi.

For several days in a row, Amo didn't get much rest, and slept three hours a day, and then practiced martial arts to study and read books.

He didn't even feel tired.

Because he has a power in his heart, from Bai Yuexi's power.

On this day, when Amo returned from the old lady's room, it was already very late.

But she saw Amo's room still lit.

Bai Yuexi blinked, so late, Amo hasn't slept yet?

Bai Yuexi walked outside Amo's room and gently knocked on the door.

When A Mo heard the knock on the door, she knew it was Bai Yuexi.

Because only Bai Yuexi would knock on his door at this time.

A Mo's heart jumped.

It seems that anything related to Bai Yuexi will make him throb.

There will always be a subtle feeling in my heart.

A Mo got up quickly and opened the door to Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi now looks at Amo, he must look up at him.

Bai Yuexi found out that A Mo grew quickly.

Sure enough, nutrition has kept up, it is much better.


When A Mo spoke to Bai Yuexi, her voice was soft and soft as before, with a soft breath.

The whole person seems very gentle.

Bai Yuexi blinked and looked in, and saw a stack of books on the desk.

Bai Yuexi walked directly inside.

"Amo, do you read so many books?"

She was worried that Amo would be tired.

Bai Yuexi walked to the desk and saw some history books and biographies, some wild history records about Huadu, and some family secret history.

very many.

Amo's eyelashes trembled, and said, "I can't sleep at night, I just want to read more books, so I can fall asleep!"

In fact, Amo said this, but just didn't want to worry about Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi was shocked when he heard these words. He felt that he would be the master of theology in the modern era.

"Amo, will you lose sleep?"

Bai Yuexi is worried about Amo's bad rest. What she is thinking now is whether to configure some medicines to help Amo sleep, and there are no side effects.

A Mo listened to Bai Yuexi's words of concern, and shook his head. "No, I just used to read books at night and rest."

Bai Yuexi nodded, "Amo, you rest early, we will leave tomorrow afternoon!"

Bai Yuexi decided to set off in the evening, not easily noticeable.

Her whereabouts still want to be kept secret for the time being.

Because she also knows that as the heirs of the princes of Baiyuezhou, there should also be secret forces to kill her.

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