A Mo does not want to be protected by Bai Yuexi all the time. He does not want to be a weak man. He wants to be a strong man.

He insisted on riding, and he wanted to exercise himself on the road.

Bai Yuexi watched Amo riding, and she followed her.

But after riding tired, she would go back to the carriage to rest.

A few days later, when a group of people passed through a forest, they encountered an assassination.

Of course, when Bai Yi was not close to the past, he felt murderous and reported it to Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi stopped the team temporarily, and explored it first.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the black-slayers were not here to kill Bai Yuexi, but a group of black assassins chasing down a person.

"Miss, this man is seriously injured and seems to be unable to support for long."

Bai Yuexi is hesitating whether this person will save or not. After all, she doesn't want to expose herself, nor does she want to involve herself in some things.

But a group of people in black assassinated a person. What identity of this person is there? Bai Yuexi is entangled if he needs to be saved.

Because she knew that her arrival had broken some traces of the story in the book.

She didn't know if people would save.

When Bai Yuexi hesitated, Amo said, "Miss, let me take a look!"

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Amo hasn't fully practiced his martial arts now. So many assassins, Bai Yuexi can't let Amo take risks.

At this moment, the chased man escaped the enclosure and ran towards this side.

Seeing Bai Yuexi and his team, he seemed to understand that this was a group of weak people. He stumbled over and could no longer support him, "Save me, save me..."

The man fell to the ground, looking up at the direction in the carriage with a firm glow in his eyes.

Bai Yuexi can see clearly, this is the light of survival.

Amo got out of the carriage, looked at the man's clothes, and said, "Miss, this is from Gongsun Mansion! There are signs on his clothes!"

Gongsun Mansion?

Bai Yuexi was shocked, but she knew that there was a man in the book called Gongsun Lue, which was recorded in the book, because this person was good at manufacturing cold weapons.

Is a personal talent.

It can be said that this grandson played a lot in the war of unifying the world.

But there are not many records of Gongsun Lue in the book.

It just means that he is good at organizing cold weapons.

Just as Bai Yuexi was thinking, the group of people in black came to catch up.

A person who took the lead looked at them as a pedestrian, and seemed to feel a sober atmosphere.

As killers, they naturally understand what.

So they did not directly come up to kill Bai Yuexi, but directly said: "Kill the door to do things, please don't worry about your business!"

Bai Yuexi smiled and said, "If we must save this person?"

She wanted to save Gongsun Lue, in order for this person to continue to help Amo, and to unify the world.

The leading man said: "Do you want to fight against the killer door?"

When this person speaks, the voice comes with a threatening tone.

Bai Yuexi snorted coldly, "Sorry, I haven't heard of the killer door, Bai Yi!"


"Do it, keep one!"

At this moment, Bai Yuexi's voice was cold, and the whole person showed a cold spirit.

Bai Yuexi's words suddenly angered the group of people in black, and the group of people in black also instantly started to work, and they began to attack Bai Yuexi.

A Mo came close to Bai Yuexi quietly, and wanted to protect Bai Yuexi nearby.

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