Bai Yuexi is so patient, but also wants Amo to have a good mood, and wants Amo to be at ease.

A Mo looked at Bai Yuexi deeply and wanted to say thank you.

However, Bai Yuexi also said before, so thank you.

So Amo temporarily suppressed a lot of emotions that flowed in her heart.

A Mo looked softly at Bai Yuexi. When he looked at Bai Yuexi, the light in his eyes was so soft.

It was just that there was a slight red glow in his eyes.

His eyes were a little red, but he still reached out and gently groomed Bai Yuexi's hair.

Organize her clothes.

Just because Amo hugged Bai Yuexi hard, she crumpled all her clothes.

At this time Bai Yuexi also recovered, she looked at A Mo's expression and said, "Are you going to see Gongsun Lue, did he tell you?"

Bai Yuexi would guess, did Gongsun Lu say something to Amo, otherwise how could Amo's emotions be like this?

On weekdays, Amo always looks faint and rarely has strong emotions.

Amo's eyes blinked, his eyelashes flickered, and he wanted to say nothing.

But Amo can lie to others, but to Bai Yuexi, he can't tell a lie.

So he can only keep silent.

Bai Yuexi also knew Amo.

Seeing Amo silent, she knew what.

It should be what Gongsun Lue said to Amo.

But she is not surprised, although she confessed that Gongsun Lu was not allowed to tell Amo what they said, she just didn't want to make Amo psychologically burdened.

But in the future, Gongsun Lu also wanted to loyal to Amo. Amo asked him, and it was normal for him to tell Amo.

"Amo, I know what Gongsun Lue might have said to you, but you don't have a psychological burden. If you weren't you, I really don't know his identity. No, if we saved him, we saved him."

A Mo knew that Bai Yuexi said this sentence only to comfort him.

He knew Bai Yuexi well in his heart.

Amo looked down at the medicinal herbs on the ground and said, "Amo helps the lady organize the medicinal herbs?"

He wanted to help Bai Yuexi do something.

Bai Yuexi said: "It's alright, I can sort it out myself."

"Amo is afraid that Miss is tired."

Bai Yuexi listened to A Mo's words, looked at his look, and smiled, "Relax, I'm not tired, A Mo, go read, when we go back from Huadu, you are going to Nanyun Academy, but this Once, Gongsunlue went with you. I did everything in Baifu. I also went to Nanyun Academy."

With Bai Yuexi's insistence, Amo was still reading.

But Amo was reading beside Bai Yuexi.

Although Bai Yuexi was busy with her medicinal herbs, Amo was busy reading, and neither of them spoke, but there was a faint warmth between them.

Let them feel that they are with each other in the room.

Especially Amo, you can see Bai Yuexi who is busy not far away with a slight lift of her head, which will calm his heart.

There will be a warm feeling in my heart.

Even the efficiency of reading is much higher.


In this way, after a few days at the inn, the group re-prepared the delicious lake and set off.

But this time, a group of people were assassinated on the way.

Amo worried about Bai Yuexi and hugged Bai Yuexi directly, holding her in her arms and not letting her do it.

This time, the Twelve Shadow Guards cooperated with the tacit understanding to protect Bai Yuexi.

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