Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7257: Instinct to protect Bai Yuexi

In particular, Bai Yuexi is very protective of Amo in his bones. Knowing the thoughts of the five princesses, Bai Yuexi burst into dangerous light.

Listening to the discussion of the people around me, the five princesses were fighting for their identity on weekdays, they were arrogant and arrogant, and they seemed to be very cruel.

Just look at the eyes of the five princesses, with a gloomy light.

And her eyes are like looking at ants.

Bai Yuexi really didn't understand that she had just come to Huadu and stayed in an inn, how could she meet the five princesses.

The coldness in Bai Yuexi's body radiated out, and the whole person also carried a dangerous breath.

People around are still discussing.

"Who doesn’t know that the five princesses are deliberately swaying around the streets of Huadu on weekdays. People in Huadu know that they are hiding from the princesses, and these outsiders don’t know..."

"It hasn't been favored by the emperor yet. The most princess does whatever she wants, let alone the emperor?"


During the discussion, the voice was very low, but Bai Yuexi heard clearly.

Bai Yuexi's mouth evoked a faint icy arc. It turned out that this was Huadu, the princess of Huadu!


Seeing the princess of Huadu, she probably knew what the king of Huadu was like.

And when their group entered the Huadu City, the guards at the gate of the city treated the people who entered the city. Sometimes they were scolding and even turning over the things of the people.

In Huadu City, many horse-drawn carriages rammed into the streets while driving.

Some people ride horses, regardless of whether there are people on the street.

When she came to the inn, several people were hit by the horse. Those who hit the people, regardless of the life and death of the people, simply rode away from Ma Yang.

And the people on the street are afraid, they dare not say anything.

Bai Yuexi also looked at their looks.

Bai Yuexi saw those scenes, and she had an indescribable taste in her heart.

It turned out that this was the capital city of Zihua, and she was very disappointed with it.

In Baiyue City, no one dared to hit the people on horseback in a blatant manner, because the grandma's management was strict, and the guards on patrol would take care of such things.

In Baiyuezhou, whether it is an official or a distinguished person, or a person of any status, there is some respect for the people.

But this is not the case in Huaducheng.

At the time of the confrontation, the five princesses directly picked up the whip and fought towards Bai Yuexi.

Amo directly blocked Bai Yuexi.

Amo's actions are all instinctive.

A Mo knew that Bai Yuexi was very strong, and A Mo knew that Bai Yuexi could protect herself.

But when it was dangerous, he didn't have so many thoughts in his mind. His brain was blank, and he instinctively wanted to protect Bai Yuexi.

Before his brain thought, his body reacted first, and directly blocked Bai Yuexi.

Bai Yuexi saw Amo's movements, and his heart was touched.

Her amo!

But he didn't know that such a move by Amo completely angered Princess Wu.

The princess whip hit the ground directly, "You actually defended her, you know what I am!"

A Mo's face was stiff, and he didn't speak, but stretched out his hand to protect Bai Yuexi behind him.

This is Huadu City, not Baiyue City. He cannot let Bai Yuexi be impulsive.

And he just heard what the people around him were discussing.

Naturally know that this woman's identity is the fifth princess, so he can't let Bai Yuexi meet her!

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